save figure with slider

3 views (last 30 days)
Michael Ranftelhuber
Michael Ranftelhuber on 11 Nov 2013
Dear Matlab Central community,
I have a measurement class "Osc", which plots results out in a figure with a slider:
function nthReturn( obj, varargin )
fignumber = readin_varargin('fignumber', 42, varargin, 'double');
set(f1, 'Toolbar','figure', 'Name', obj.label, 'Filename', generateFilename(obj.label), 'numbertitle', 'off');
pos = get(f1,'Position');
set(f1,'Position',[pos(1)-(800-pos(3)) pos(2)-(600-pos(4)) 800 600]);
% Slider
sh = uicontrol(f1,'Style','slider','Max',1,'Min',0,'Value',1,'SliderStep',[0.001 0.01],'Units','normalized');
SliderHPosition = get(sh,'Position'); %sh = slider handle shpos = position of slider handle
set(sh,'Position',[0 0 1 SliderHPosition(4)]);
callbackfct = @(~,~,~) obj.nthReturnSingle('sliderValue', get(sh, 'Value'), 'figHandle', f1, varargin{:});
set(sh, 'Callback', callbackfct);
here 'obj.nthReturnSingle(...)' is a method of the class that produces the single plot. Everything works like a charm and I can easily go through the different measurement values with the slider, but, if I then hit "File->save" in the figure, it produces a huge file containing all slides (not only the active one).
This will kill my HDD quickly. Is there a simple way to tell matlab to only save the active image as *.fig?
Thanks a lot,

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