Halftoning an image results in three replicas. Why?

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Hello! I have used the following code to create a halftoned image. Why does the original image get replicated thrice as shown in the attached image. Thanks in advance.
%Program for Image Halftoning by Floyd Method
%Program Description % The input gray image will be converted into halftone image % of same size using Floyd's Error Diffusion Method. % %Parameters % inImg - Input Gray Image % outImg - Output Halftoned Image
function outImg = floydHalftone(inImg) inImg = double(inImg);
[M,N] = size(inImg); T = 127.5; %Threshold y = inImg; error = 0;
for rows = 1:M-1
%Left Boundary of Image
outImg(rows,1) =255*(y(rows,1)>=T);
error = -outImg(rows,1) + y(rows,1);
y(rows,1+1) = 7/16 * error + y(rows,1+1);
y(rows+1,1+1) = 1/16 * error + y(rows+1,1+1);
y(rows+1,1) = 5/16 * error + y(rows+1,1);
for cols = 2:N-1
%Center of Image
outImg(rows,cols) =255*(y(rows,cols)>=T);
error = -outImg(rows,cols) + y(rows,cols);
y(rows,cols+1) = 7/16 * error + y(rows,cols+1);
y(rows+1,cols+1) = 1/16 * error + y(rows+1,cols+1);
y(rows+1,cols) = 5/16 * error + y(rows+1,cols);
y(rows+1,cols-1) = 3/16 * error + y(rows+1,cols-1);
%Right Boundary of Image
outImg(rows,N) =255*(y(rows,N)>=T);
error = -outImg(rows,N) + y(rows,N);
y(rows+1,N) = 5/16 * error + y(rows+1,N);
y(rows+1,N-1) = 3/16 * error + y(rows+1,N-1);
%Bottom & Left Boundary of Image rows = M; outImg(rows,1) =255*(y(rows,1)>=T); error = -outImg(rows,1) + y(rows,1); y(rows,1+1) = 7/16 * error + y(rows,1+1);
%Bottom & Center of Image for cols = 2:N-1 outImg(rows,cols) =255*(y(rows,cols)>=T); error = -outImg(rows,cols) + y(rows,cols); y(rows,cols+1) = 7/16 * error + y(rows,cols+1); end
%Thresholding outImg(rows,N) =255*(y(rows,N)>=T);
outImg = im2bw(uint8(outImg));
if true
% code

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 2 May 2014
Probably because it's a color image and you're using this line of code:
[M,N] = size(inImg);
which assumes a monochrome image. Please read Steve's blog: http://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2011/03/22/too-much-information-about-the-size-function/
Then change the code to:
[M,N, numberOfColorChannels] = size(inImg);
Then give it a try.

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