changing map projection after plotting data

1 view (last 30 days)
I can initialize a map, set its projection properties with axesm, and plot data. This works well. If I plot data then try to change the map projection by setting axesm, my map does not update to the new projection. Typing getm(gca) shows that indeed, Matlab thinks my map is in the new projection, but my figure does not show it. Is there a trick to changing projection after data are plotted?

Answers (1)

Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney on 4 Sep 2014
I've found it's really a coin toss... sometimes, changing properties like projection, map limits, etc. actually reprojects the existing plotting data correctly, and sometimes it doesn't. I've never figured out a pattern to why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Except that of course toy examples usually work, and figures using real data from my research usually don't.


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