Calling matlab from C# won't work in unit tests

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I have a simple Builder NE project (.NET) with just one function. All it does it take in one parameter
function [ ] = Test_PassDotNetObject( obj )
I can call the matlab function no problem from a regular .net application, however it won't work from inside an MSTest unit test.
public void PassDotNetObject_SimpleTest()
MWObjectArray mwoa;
var simpleMatlab = new Simple.SimpleMatlab();
// pass a struct...
DateTime t = DateTime.Now;
mwoa = new MWObjectArray(t);
// pass an object...
String s = "Hello";
mwoa = new MWObjectArray(s);
// pass a serializable object...
var simpleObject = new PGL.IP.Modules.Waveforms.Classes.Simple();
mwoa = new MWObjectArray(simpleObject);
// pass a non-serializable object...
var simpleNonSerializableObject = new PGL.IP.Modules.Waveforms.Classes.SimpleNonSerializable();
mwoa = new MWObjectArray(simpleNonSerializableObject);
The first problem I had with the unit tests was that the built matlab dll and the mwarray.dll could not be found. I solved this by adding an app.config telling .NET to look in extra places for these dlls...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<probing privatePath="x64;Modules\Waveforms"/>
The second problem I have, which I can't fix, is that I get the following exception when passing my Simple class to matlab (Just the class I have created is problematic, passing a .NET DateTime is ok. Passing a .NET String is ok). The assembly I have defined the class Simple in, is called UserProgram. The exception is...
"Error marshalling .NET object.\n 'Message: Unable to find assembly 'UserProgram, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=35acdb8460030dc2'.\nSource: mscorlib\nHelpLink: '"
So, passing the class Simple from the assembly UserProgram into matlab causes this error. I tried copying the userprogram.dll into lots of other directories to try and get matlab to find it but no luck.
Another weird issue is that passing a non-serializable type into matlab works fine in a regular application but passing a non-serializable class in an MSTest method causes an exception saying that the class Simple is not serializable. I got around that by simple making class Simple serializable but it's odd that I only need to do that in the test mentod, not the regular application.
Kristian on 5 Jan 2015
Hi Kfir, none of these issues have been resolved. I may ask Matlab support directly at some point in the future but it won't be any time in the near future. I wish Matlab would read their forums and attempt to help out a bit more.

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