How to change the color of the bars in a bar chart?

242 views (last 30 days)

Make a simple bar chart (and get its handle):

hb = bar(magic(3));

How can I set the colors of those bars now (after I have made the figure)? I know that I could have inserted another argument into the bar function, but suppose I didn't.

I am specifically asking about MATLAB 2014b.

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 13 Nov 2014
Here’s one way:
d = magic(3);
hb = bar(d)
hb(1).FaceColor = 'r';
hb(2).FaceColor = 'm';
hb(3).FaceColor = 'c';
the cyclist
the cyclist on 14 Nov 2014
So simple. I was fooled by the fact that the value of FaceColor is 'flat' by default, so I didn't even bother trying a color there.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 14 Nov 2014
My pleasure!
HG2 is proving to be anything but obvious. I just learned a few days ago that it’s possible to get the actual bar position information from 'XData', and to change the tick values on what was previously the x-axis, it’s necessary to set 'YTickLabel' values.
I’m sure other mysteries are yet to be discovered.

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