Plotting a multivariate polynomial with sdpvar variables
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Suppose I have a polynomial , with degree 6. I want to plot the function where each variable in x runs from to 3.
I saw that using the meshgrid function combined with mesh should be used here. However, when applying:
[x1,x2] = meshgrid(-3:1:3, -3:1:3);
f = replace(f,[x(1) x(2)],[x1 x2])
It is said that "both arguments must have the same size". Here, [x1,x2] returns two 7x7 matrices, and the second line replaces symbolic variables [x(1) x(2)] of x = sdpvar(2,1) with the defined [x1 x2]. Some of these are from the YALMIP toolbox, but I think the core problem remains the same:
How can I set each variable from -3 to 3 and plot the polynomial function?
Answers (1)
on 29 Mar 2022
Edited: Torsten
on 29 Mar 2022
Or make f a function handle:
f = matlabFunction(f);
z = f(x1,x2);
"replace" is for strings. This doesn't suffice in the case of symbolic variables.
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