Weird behavior of ODE45?

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Qianyong Chen
Qianyong Chen on 11 May 2022
Commented: Qianyong Chen on 13 May 2022
% Solve with Fourier-Galerkin with odd expansion
% u_t = u_x to show the
clear; close all;
a=20; % domain [-a, a]
N = 128; % Even N: will use odd-expansion
T = 2;
dt = 0.1; % how often we check the numerical solutions.
NStep = round(T/dt);
% Initial condition
uIC = @(x) sin(pi*x/10);
dx = 2*a/(N+1); x = -a+ (0:N)*dx; x = x';
u0 = uIC(x);
b = pi/a;
% IC to frequency space
uF = fft(u0)/(N+1);
uF = [uF(N/2+2:end); uF(1:N/2+1)]; % reording for ODE
% Options for ode45
odeTOL = 1e-10;
ODEPlist = [b, N];
% 1: Solve with ode45 without interuption, plot the solutions
tspan = dt*(0:NStep);
[locT, uF_new] = ode45(@(t,y)semiEqu_linear(t,y,ODEPlist), tspan, uF, odeopt);
for j=1:NStep
uNumer = ifft([uF_new(j+1, N/2+1:end), uF_new(j+1,1:N/2)]')*(N+1);
plot(x, uNumer);
title(['Solution from ode45 w/o interupton. T=',num2str(locT(j+1))]);
% 2: Solve with ode45, but now stop and check (plot) the solution for every
% time elapse 0.1
for k=1:NStep
tspan = [dt*(k-1), dt*k]
[locT, uF_new] = ode45(@(t,y)semiEqu_linear(t,y,ODEPlist), tspan, uF, odeopt);
uF = uF_new(end,:); uF = uF';
uNumer = ifft([uF_new(end, N/2+1:end), uF_new(end,1:N/2)]')*(N+1);
plot(x, uNumer);
end % for k=1:NStep
% semi-discrete system
function dy = semiEqu_linear(t,y, ODEPlist)
b = ODEPlist(1);
N = ODEPlist(2);
dy = i*b*y.*((-N/2:N/2)'); % for u_t = u_x
Use Fourier-Galerkin to solve u_t = u_x. The function "semiEqu_linear" defines the semi-discrete system, resulted from Galerkin projection.
1) Solve with ode45 at dt*(0:NStep). So no stopping in the middle to check. You can see the solution is a traveling wave (to the right).
2) Still solve with ode45, but now stop at every dt*k to plot it. Basically, everytime, we use ode45 to solve with t0 = (k-1)*dt, and tF = k*dt. This way, the 'final' solution from the last step should be used as the initial condition of the next step. That is why I update 'uF', which is the initial condition in the ode45 call.
Somehow, when we do this way, we don't see a traveling wave. Is there a bug in the above code? Or ode45 and many other solves are designed this way?? I have to agree it is a bit odd to use ode45 this way.
Torsten on 11 May 2022
Edited: Torsten on 11 May 2022
[locT, uF_new] = ode45(@(t,y)semiEqu(t,y,ODEPlist), tspan, uF, odeopt);
instead of
[locT, uF_new] = ode45(@semiEqu, tspan, uF, odeopt, ODEPlist);
And you are aware that you never save the solution at the output times because you overwrite uF each time ode45 returns ? So if you want to plot uF after the loop, you'll only see the value at t=Nstep*dt.
Jan on 11 May 2022
Please explain, what this means: "the initial condition 'uF' wasn't updated correctly".
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Accepted Answer

Jan on 12 May 2022
Edited: Jan on 13 May 2022
It is still not clear, what this means: "the initial condition 'uF' wasn't updated correctly"
When I run your code, I do see the changing values of uF. I've removed the pause command and inserted:
"we should see a sinusoidal wave propogate to the right."
We do not see this, but a flipping of the sign.
[EDITED after the question was modified]
:-) Now it gets clear. What is the difference between both codes? It is hidden in this line:
uF = uF_new(end,:); uF = uF';
Remember that ' is the abbreviation for ctranspose - the complex conjugate transpose. This modifies the imaginary parts of the initial values in each step. You want a transposition without conjugating instead:
uF = uF_new(end,:); uF = uF.';
% ^ .' : transpose, ' : ctranspose !
Or directly:
uF = uF_new(end,:).';
And then both integrations have the same output.
By the way, the most likely unwanted conjugation happens here again:
uNumer = ifft([uF_new(end, N/2+1:end), uF_new(end,1:N/2)]')*(N+1);
% ^
With .' the wave is moving to the left.
Jan on 13 May 2022
It was a strange idea to let ' be the conjugate transpose when Matlab was created. And now it must be kept for backward compatibility.
See the last paragraph of my answer: Is ' or .' wanted there?
Qianyong Chen
Qianyong Chen on 13 May 2022
Should be. We don't want to change the components to complex conjugate before applying the inverse discrete Fourier transform.

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