Reading and analysing files in subfolders - indexing

31 views (last 30 days)
I'm trying to find and open *.tab files containing a string in their filenames, in several sub-folders. I have tried various options online, but always get errors. I think my issues is that I don't understand indexing in for loops. The code below gives the error "Error using fopen First input must be a file name or a file identifier." on line 6 (fname).
I've already tried:
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Closest code:
dt = 0.005;
tt = 0:dt:60;
files = dir(fullfile('...\**\*')); %finds 86 files with xacc string;
FileName = fullfile({files.folder},{});%count = 0;
for k = 1:numel(files)
fname = FileName(k);
fid(k) = fopen(fname, 'r'); %I don't know how to open files based on name in files variable
data_xacc = textscan(fid(k),'%*f%f%f','delimiter',' ','headerlines',2); %I have tried other options such as dlmread, etc. but don't work given .tab extension.
time{k} = data_xacc{1,k}{1,1}; %I want to be able to extract column vectors from each tab file to analyse/interpolate.
xacc{k} = data_xacc{1,k}{1,2};
xacc{k} = interp1(time{k},xacc{k},tt,'linear','extrap');

Accepted Answer

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson on 18 May 2022
Why not skip the generation of FileName and index into files directly inside the loop:
dt = 0.005;
tt = 0:dt:60;
files = dir(fullfile('...\**\*')); %finds 86 files with xacc string;
FileName = fullfile({files.folder},{});%count = 0;
for k = 1:numel(files)
fname = fullfile(files(k).folder,files(k).name); % generate filename for the k-th file
%fname = FileName(k);
fid = fopen(fname, 'r'); % Seems unnecessary to keep all fid-s
data_xacc = textscan(fid,'%*f%f%f','delimiter',' ','headerlines',2); %I have tried other options such as dlmread, etc. but don't work given .tab extension.
fclose(fid); % since you instantly close them after reading, they will not be useful later afaik
time{k} = data_xacc{1,k}{1,1}; %I want to be able to extract column vectors from each tab file to analyse/interpolate.
xacc{k} = data_xacc{1,k}{1,2};
xacc{k} = interp1(time{k},xacc{k},tt,'linear','extrap');

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