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variant control 'VID==0" used by the block

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Muhammad on 3 Aug 2022
Answered: Dinesh on 12 Apr 2024
i have trained reinforcement learning agent and would like to implement the agent to convege the system to desire input. i have used variant subset and also select the variant mode. The problem arises when i start simulation it shows as given below. Any help or guidance in this regards will be much appreciated.
  1 Comment
Kirthi on 15 Feb 2023
Hello muhammad,
Your variant model needs a control variable to work, you must've set condition as 'VID==0' but didn't not create or initiate the variable. Try creating the variable and setting it to 0. Then run the model.
Hope it helps

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Answers (1)

Dinesh on 12 Apr 2024
When you define a variant control inside a variant block, it is assumed that you also have created the variant present in the variant control. For example, in this case, you have defined "VID==0" as the variant control which means if VID=0, a set of blocks get executed and another set of blocks get executed if VID is not 0. You are only defining the condition inside the variant block. But the variant VID itself is not being explicitly set anywhere which leads to this error. You can just create a variable "VID" in the base workspace and initialize it to any value.
Here's a link that might help you understand further:


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