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Unable to find helperExtractLabeledData

10 views (last 30 days)
I am currently working on the demo:
and I am on the Detect Anomalies with LSTM Autoencoder Network page.
I copy and pasted the url
correctly and loaded the data and helper methods that I need to get. However, I can not find the helperExtractLabeledData function. There is helperPlotVibrationData.m function in the file. However, there is not helperExtractLabeledData function.
Where can I find it?
Plus, if I can not find it, what kind of format does
net = trainNetwork(featuresAfter, featuresAfter, layers, options);
featuresAfter variable requires? Since there is no helperExtractLabeledData, I tried removing the label part of the featureNormal table and made it as featuresAfter and as a result, it is throwing me this error.
net = trainNetwork(featuresAfter, featuresAfter, layers, options);
Error using trainNetwork
Too many input arguments.
Caused by:
Error using
Too many input arguments.
So, I decided to input featuresAfter as a matrix instead of table by doing featuresAfter = featuresAfter{:,:}. Then it throwed me this error.
net = trainNetwork(featuresAfter2, featuresAfter2, layers, options);
Error using trainNetwork
The training sequences are of feature
dimension 10282 but the input layer
expects sequences of feature dimension
How does featuresAfter have to look like? Is the variable has to be in table, matrix, or anything else?
I will be thankful if somebody help me.
Abderrahim. B
Abderrahim. B on 25 Aug 2022
The supporting function helperExtractLabeledData is a local function that is located in the bottom of the live script AnomalyDetectionUsing3axisVibrationDataExample.
Which MATLAB version are you opening this example in ?

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Aug 2022
However, there is not helperExtractLabeledData function. Where can I find it?
That example is new as of R2020b, the release after you have. The helper function does not exist in your release.
I do not have access to that toolbox, so I cannot tell you the exact location you would find the file if it were present in your system.

More Answers (1)

Abderrahim. B
Abderrahim. B on 25 Aug 2022
@Walter Roberson explained why you don't have the helper function mentioned in your question. Here I am sharing a repository that has the code for the same helper function.
Tell us if this solved the issue.




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