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i want to see working of a code..but i am facing problem while compilation[Error using ex (line 20) Not enough input arguments. ]can you help me

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function simulation_example(animation) % an example of simulation with STEPS mobility model % author: Anh-Dung Nguyen % email:
simu.duration = 200; % number of time steps simu.number_of_nodes = [500 500]; simu.alpha = [0 100]; simu.grid_size = 20; simu.zone_size = 10; simu.time_step = 5; % seconds simu.rwp_speed = [3 5] / 3.6; simu.rwp_pause_time = [1 5]; simu.zone_speed = [3 10] / 3.6; simu.zone_time = [20 30]; simu.radio_range = 10;
disp('--------------STARTING SIMULATIONS------------------')
if animation == 1 steps_fig = figure; s = get(0,'ScreenSize'); set(steps_fig,'OuterPosition',[s(3)*1.8/4 s(4)/5 500 500],'NextPlot','add'); steps_plot1 = plot(0); steps_axes = get(steps_fig,'CurrentAxes'); set(steps_axes,'XLimMode','manual','XLim',[0 simu.grid_size*simu.zone_size],'YLimMode','manual','YLim',[0 simu.grid_size*simu.zone_size],'XTick',0 : simu.zone_size : simu.grid_size*simu.zone_size,'YTick',0 : simu.zone_size : simu.grid_size*simu.zone_size,'XGrid','on','YGrid','on','NextPlot','add'); steps_plot2 = plot(0); steps_plot3 = plot(0); set(steps_plot1,'LineStyle','none','Marker','o','MarkerSize',7,'MarkerFaceColor','b'); set(steps_plot2,'LineStyle','none','Marker','.','MarkerEdgeColor','g','MarkerSize',1); set(steps_plot3,'LineStyle','none','Marker','.','MarkerEdgeColor','r','MarkerSize',4.7); end
% creation of nodes nodes = Group(simu.alpha,simu.number_of_nodes,simu.grid_size,simu.rwp_speed,simu.rwp_pause_time,simu.zone_speed,simu.zone_time,simu.zone_size,simu.time_step,simu.radio_range);
for ii = 1:simu.duration % movement of nodes nodes.move;
% connections between nodes
C = nodes.connect;
if animation == 1
C(eye(size(C))==1) = 0;
[v1 v2] = find(C==1);
links = [v1 v2];
[xc,yc] = circle(nodes.coords(:,1),nodes.coords(:,2),simu.radio_range);
if ~isempty(links)
n = unique(sort(links,2),'rows');
[xl,yl] = line_plot(nodes.coords(n(:,1),:),nodes.coords(n(:,2),:));
disp('----------------SIMU DONE------------------------------') end
function [x,y] = circle(a,b,r) t = (0:0.01:2*pi)'; cosinus = r*cos(t); sinus = r*sin(t); n = length(t); m = length(a); x = repmat(a,n,1) + repmat(cosinus,m,1); y = repmat(b,n,1) + repmat(sinus,m,1); end
function [x,y] = line_plot(a,b) t = (0:0.01:1)'; n = length(t); m = size(a,1); x = repmat(a(:,1),n,1) + repmat(t,m,1).*repmat(b(:,1)-a(:,1),n,1); y = repmat(a(:,2),n,1) + repmat(t,m,1).*repmat(b(:,2)-a(:,2),n,1); end

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