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If i create s-function using Legacy Code Tool and C++ code can i use the block in Real-Time mode with Windows Real-Time Target

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello I want to create s-function from c++ code using Legacy Code Tool in order to use this block in Real-Time mode in Simulink with Windows Real-Time Target. Is it possible? is block built by Legacy Code Tool is set to work in real-time mode? is C++ have any issues while using Legacy code?
the bigger picture is that i try to connect through API provide in dll to other software (Motive) but because the Windows-PC with simulink act as a controller of real vehicle it need to work in real-time.
thank you Or Hirshfeld אור הירשפלד

Answers (1)

Or Hirshfeld
Or Hirshfeld on 26 Apr 2015
I'm working now on C-mex s-function

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