Character Rotation and Recognition

3 views (last 30 days)
Liam Parker
Liam Parker on 2 Mar 2015
Commented: David Young on 2 Mar 2015
So, I have taken a screenshot of an enlarged letter from a UAV (no more than 30 meters up). The letter 'F' is white, and placed on a red background 'rectangle 2m by 2m' (the letter almost fills the rectangle without stretching it). I am trying to identify the letter through character recognition and i'm having a few problems with doing so.
Below lies the code I have so far, it currently highlights the letter clearly in Black, whilst the background is all white. My thoughts on how to counter this problem are to somehow crop the image so only the letter is chosen, then rotate and analyse simultaneously using character recognition (as the angle of the letter may change depending on the angle of entry towards the target) until the code recognizes the letter.
clear all; close all; clc tic iamge = imread('pro1.jpg'); red=iamge(:,:,1); blue=iamge(:,:,2); green=iamge(:,:,3); % matrix = impixel(x); bi = red>229 & blue<77 & green<88; imshow(bi);
[N J]=size(bi); image2=bi; for x=1:J for y=1:N if all(all(bi(y,x)==1)); image2(y,x)=255; end end end
img = im2double(imread('pro1.jpg')); % read image and convert it to double in range [0..1] b = sum( (1-img).^2, 3 ); % check how far each pixel from "white"
% display figure; imshow( b > .5 ); title('Letter Recognition (some error)');
Does anyone have an clues on how to go about solving this problem, i'm not sure where I would begin even with my idea seeming somewhat reasonable. Any help would be greatly appreciated,
  1 Comment
David Young
David Young on 2 Mar 2015
As you can see, your code is very hard to read. You can fix this with the"{} Code" button.

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