Code to solve kdv ecuation with an animation of 2 solitions

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I need some help to understand the math behind this code to solve kdv ecuation. I need an explanation step by step. Thanks
% kdv.m - Solve KdV equation by Fourier spectral/ETDRK4 scheme
% A.-K. Kassam and L. N. Trefethen 4/03
% This code solves the Korteweg-de Vries eq. u_t+uu_x+u_xxx=0
% with periodic BCs on [-pi,pi] and initial condition given by
% a pair of solitons. The curve evolves up to t=0.005 and at
% the end u(x=0) is printed to 6-digit accuracy. Changing N
% to 384 and h to 2.5e-7 improves this to 10 digits but takes
% four times longer.
% Set up grid and two-soliton initial data:
N = 512;
x = (2*pi/N)*(-N/2:N/2-1)';
A = 25; B = 16;
u = 3*A^2*sech(.5*(A*(x+2))).^2+3*B^2*sech(.5*(B*(x+1))).^2;
p = plot(x,u,'linewidth',3);
axis([-pi pi -200 2200]), grid on
% Precompute ETDRK4 scalar quantities (Kassam-Trefethen):
h = 1e-6; % time step
k = [0:N/2-1 0 -N/2+1:-1]'; % wave numbers
L = 1i*k.^3; % Fourier multipliers
E = exp(h*L); E2 = exp(h*L/2);
M = 64; % no. pts for complex means
r = exp(2i*pi*((1:M)-0.5)/M); % roots of unity
LR = h*L(:,ones(M,1))+r(ones(N,1),:);
Q = h*mean( (exp(LR/2)-1)./LR ,2);
f1 = h*mean((-4-LR+exp(LR).*(4-3*LR+LR.^2))./LR.^3,2);
f2 = h*mean( (4+2*LR+exp(LR).*(-4+2*LR))./LR.^3,2);
f3 = h*mean((-4-3*LR-LR.^2+exp(LR).*(4-LR))./LR.^3,2);
g = -.5i*k;
% Time-stepping by ETDRK4 formula (Cox-Matthews):
disp('press <return> to begin'), pause % wait for user input
t = 0; step = 0; v = fft(u);
while t+h/2 < 0.006
step = step+1;
t = t+h;
Nv = g.*fft(real(ifft(v)).^2);
a = E2.*v+Q.*Nv; Na = g.*fft(real(ifft(a)).^2);
b = E2.*v+Q.*Na; Nb = g.*fft(real(ifft(b)).^2);
c = E2.*a+Q.*(2*Nb-Nv); Nc = g.*fft(real(ifft(c)).^2);
v = E.*v+(Nv.*f1+(Na+Nb).*f2+Nc.*f3);
if mod(step,25)==0
u = real(ifft(v)); set(p,'ydata',u)
title(sprintf('t = %7.5f',t),'fontsize',18), drawnow
text(-2.4,900,sprintf('u(0) = %11.7f',u(N/2+1)),...

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