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Assume a 10 x 3 matrix. Column 1 contains decimal numbers from +1.000 to -1.000. Columns 2 & 3 contain integers. How can I create a new 10 x 3 matrix with the numbers in column 1 arranged from +1 at top to -1 at the bottom?

2 views (last 30 days)
Rearrange 10 x 3 matrix so first column decimal numbers are arranged in descending order of magnitude from +1.0 to -1.0

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 12 Mar 2015
You can use sortrows with the second optional argument to select the column and sort direction:
>> A = [0.6,2,4;-0.2,5,3;1,3,8;-1,5,2];
>> sortrows(A,-1)
ans =
1 3 8
0.6 2 4
-0.2 5 3
-1 5 2
  1 Comment
Don Brohaugh
Don Brohaugh on 12 Mar 2015
Thanks! This is exactly what I will need, but the actual matrix size will be 60 x 3. No, it is not homework but for development of a matrix electrical power converter concept that I am working up.

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