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multistart optimization: local run index of solutions found by [...,solutions] = run(__)?

4 views (last 30 days)
I am running my optimization problem with several start vectors utilizing the function
[x,fval,exitflag,output,solutions] = run(ms,problem,k)
After this call is finished, the found solutions are stored in the struct solutions.
Creating the multistart object
ms = MultiStart('Display', 'iter')
there is, amongst other quantities, a local run index displayed to the command window.
My question is how to figure out the local run index associated with the solutions struct above?

Answers (1)

Sachin on 14 Mar 2023
Hi @SA-W,
Based on my understanding, you want to figure out the run index associated with the solutions struct.
solutions struct contains the distinct local minima found during the run. And output in the command window depends on the algorithm and runs. So, we cannot decide which Run index will be in solution.
For more information on multi start solver, you can refer the following pages:
SA-W on 14 Mar 2023
"solutions struct contains the distinct local minima found during the run."
One can also define to store the results of all successful runs in the solutions struct, not only distinct solutions. So in theory, it should be rather easy to store the run index in the solutions struct as well for certain options passed by the user.

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