Calculating phase delay for one signal to have the same zero crossings

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I need to fix the phase delay in the triangle signal to make sure all signals have the same zero crossings. I keep getting error messages (either not enough input arguments or an error within a specific signal that only shows up if I try to calculate). Is there a recommended formula to calculate and fix the phase delay?
% This script will generate a figure that plots a pulse waveform as a function of time.
% Set the signal parameters
Frequency_Hz = 100;
Amplitude = 1;
Phase_rad = 0;
DutyCycle = 90; % the percentage (0-100%) of the cycle the pulse train is "high" (positive)
Duration_sec = 0.03;
% Generate the signal and corresponding time vector
[signal, time_sec] = pulse_542(Amplitude, Frequency_Hz, Phase_rad, DutyCycle, Duration_sec, SamplingRate_Hz);
% Create a plot showing the signal as a function of time
figure(1) % Creates figure number 1
hold on
plot(time_sec, signal, 'r-') % Plot the signal as a red solid line
ylim([-1.2 1.2]*Amplitude) % Allow better visualization of the pulse train
% This script will generate a figure that plots a triangle waveform as a function of time.
% Set the signal parameters
Frequency_Hz = 100;
Amplitude = 1;
Phase_rad = 0;
Duration_sec = 0.03;
% Generate the signal and corresponding time vector
[signal, time_sec] = triangle_542(Amplitude, Frequency_Hz, Phase_rad, Duration_sec, SamplingRate_Hz);
% Create a plot showing the signal as a function of time
plot(time_sec, signal, 'g:') % Plot the signal as a dotted green line
% This script will generate a figure that plots a tone as a function of time.
% Set the tone parameters
Frequency_Hz = 100;
Amplitude = 1;
Phase_rad = 0;
Duration_sec = 0.03;
% Generate the tone and corresponding time vector
[tone_signal, tone_time_sec] = tone_542(Amplitude, Frequency_Hz, Phase_rad, Duration_sec, SamplingFreq_Hz);
% Create a plot showing the tone as a function of time
plot(tone_time_sec, tone_signal, 'b--') % Plot the signal as a dashed blue line
hold off
title('Signals as a function of time') % Adds a title to the plot
ylabel('Signals') % Labels the y-axis
xlabel('Time (sec)') % Labels the x-axis
print -dtiff test

Answers (1)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 15 Sep 2023
unfortunately you did not provide (attach) the functions you are sing to generate the waveforms
nevertheless, see below a code to show how to measure time lag between signals, that you can afterwards use to sync your signals
the result obtained here is 0.2 rad , which is what I defined in the signals at the beginning
all the best
x = 0:0.1:30;
y1 = sin(x+0.25).*exp(-x/10); % reference signal
y2 = 0.75*sin(x+0.45).*exp(-x/10); % signal shifted by 0.2 rad
% find crossing points at y threshold = 0
threshold = 0;
[xc1] = find_zc(x,y1,threshold);
[xc2] = find_zc(x,y2,threshold);
% phase shift = x distance divided by period and multiplied by 2pi
p1 = mean(diff(xc1)); % mean period of signal 1
p2 = mean(diff(xc2)); % mean period of signal 2
phase_shift = mean(xc1-xc2)/p1*2*pi % is the value used in the data generation
phase_shift = 0.2000
function [Zx] = find_zc(x,y,threshold)
% positive slope "zero" crossing detection, using linear interpolation
y = y - threshold;
zci = @(data) find(diff(sign(data))>0); %define function: returns indices of +ZCs
ix=zci(y); %find indices of + zero crossings of x
ZeroX = @(x0,y0,x1,y1) x0 - (y0.*(x0 - x1))./(y0 - y1); % Interpolated x value for Zero-Crossing
Zx = ZeroX(x(ix),y(ix),x(ix+1),y(ix+1));




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