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How to convert images to vectors

13 views (last 30 days)
M on 17 Oct 2023
Commented: Walter Roberson on 17 Oct 2023
How can I convert my images with size 120 160 1 888 to vectors ?
where 120* 160 is the size of each gray scale image, 1 is the number of channels, 888 is the number of images
so the output will be matrix and each column in the matrix is an image, I should end up with 888 vectors each vector is image

Accepted Answer

Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi on 17 Oct 2023
From what I have understood -
%Random input
in = rand(120,160,1,888);
s = size(in);
%Convert the input to a cell vector
out = mat2cell(in,s(1),s(2),s(3),ones(1,s(4)));
ans = 1×4
1 1 1 888
%Modify the size of the output
out = squeeze(out)
out = 888×1 cell array
{120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double} {120×160 double}
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi on 17 Oct 2023
@M, I have edited my response, please check above.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 17 Oct 2023
in = rand(120,160,1,888);
s = size(in);
out = cell2mat(squeeze(cellfun(@(P) P(:), num2cell(in, 2),'uniform', 0)));
whos out
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes out 19200x888 136396800 double

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