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Panning in Simulink has annoying "Inertia" (for lack of a better word)

28 views (last 30 days)
When I pan in simulink using space+left mouse or middle mouse and I'm still panning or just stopped panning when I let go of the button, panning continues, decelerating to a stop rather than stopping right when I let go of the button. I have to stop panning for around 1 second before letting go of the button to avoid this, which for me is quite annoying. I'd like panning to stop right when I let go of the button. Is there a fix for this?

Answers (1)

nick on 1 Mar 2024
Hi Cyrus,
I understand that you are looking for a way to curtail the panning as soon as you release the button.
To accomplish this, you should release spacebar key before releasing left click when you are simultaneously holding spacebar key and left mouse button. This will immediately stop the panning in simulink.
Hope this helps
Fred Terwilliger
Fred Terwilliger on 10 Oct 2024 at 14:45
I have the same issue when navigating Simulink models, it just won't stop when I release the center mouse button but keeps moving in whatever direction I was moving in. Very annoying.
Nicholas on 16 Oct 2024 at 22:26
To remove inertia, simply tap spacebar everytime you use the scroll wheel to pan (do not release scroll wheel until you release spacebar). Or create a macro to bind scroll wheel release to spacebar. The design is very human.

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