The DMG for some newer releases of MATLAB is not available at this time. To install MATLAB on an offline Mac, please see the following steps:
1. Obtaining MATLAB installation files
First, you will need to obtain MATLAB installation files using the "download only" method. This can be done with either the MathWorks Product Installer (interactive), or the MATLAB Package Manager (command line).
- For downloading with the MathWorks Product Installer, please see the following support article:
How can I get MATLAB installation files for use on an offline machine?
You will also need to obtain a File Installation Key:
Where can I find the Activation Key and File Installation Key (FIK) for my license?
- For downloading with the MATLAB Package Manager, please see the following documentation:
MPM download
Additionally, you will need a license file to activate MATLAB. Please see the following support article for instructions:
How do I activate MATLAB or other MathWorks products without an internet connection?
2. Transfer the files to your offline machine
Once you have gathered the offline files to perform this installation, transfer these files from your online machine to your target offline machine via physical media, such as a USB or external drive. Transferring these files via network will cause issues with the macOS Gatekeeper.
When transferring these files, move them to /Users/Shared on the target machine. Then, install MATLAB per the instructions in the next step.
3. Install and activate MATLAB on your offline machine
Note: When installing with the MATLAB Package Manager, you will need to execute the installation command with sudo if you do not have the sufficient permissions to write to the destination folder you provided.