In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same

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Dear all,
I am relatively new to MATLAB and trying to work on this code to perform an intensity weighted length measurement on some fluorescence images. My code is here:
%%Load the multi-image
[name, path] = uigetfile('.tif');
id =strcat(path,name);
info = imfinfo(id);
pixsiz=0.16; % to fill in
num_images = numel(info);
MAT = imread(id); %multi image import:
Md = double(MAT);
M2 = 1:w;
M3 = pixsiz*(1:l-2);
%imshow(Md, []);
%%Process image
% Threshold
[by,bx]=hist(Md(:),60); %h40,ls=10
ft = fittype('gauss1');
gfit = fit(bx',by',ft);
coe=coeffvalues(gfit); a1=coe(1); b1=coe(2); c1=coe(3);
bg2=(b1+0.4*c1); %h40,ls=10
Mbw1=Md>=bg2; % bw=image>=threshold;
Mbw2 = Mbw1.*Md;
%imshow(Mbw2, []);
% Errase noises by labeling connected group
[LL,num] = bwlabel(Mbw2, 8);
value = zeros([1,num]);
for ii=1: num
temp = LL == ii;
value(ii) = sum(temp(:));
[~,index] = max(value);
%figure, RGB = label2rgb(LL); imshow(RGB);
Mbw3 = Mbw11.*Mbw2; %image2 = bw*image;
%imshow(Mbw3, []);
%%fitting each array of image- 2
%st= A(1,1,i)/0.16; %d40 or shorter ls
for k = 1:l
M1 = Mbw2(k,:);
%M3 = smooth(M1);
options = fitoptions('gauss1');
%options.Upper = [Inf 100 15]; options.Lower = [10 5 0]; options.StartPoint=[8000 st 5]; %d40 or shorter ls
ft = fittype('gauss1');
gfit = fit(M2',M1',ft, options);
coe=coeffvalues(gfit); a2=coe(1); b2=coe(2); c2=coe(3);
hold on; plot(M2,y,'r');
Ar(k) = sqrt(pi)*a2*c2; % Area
b4(k) = b2; %peak position
%%Intensity weighting factor:
Ar33 = Ar3(1:end-1);
% For low percentage of coil on DNA
[hx,hy]=hist(Ar33,30); %A1.histogram of intensity values
[mx, col]=max(hx);% A2.most probability values of intensity to be a base value
Intnew=Ar33/hy(col); % A3.Intensity weighting factor (For low percentage of coil on DNA).
% For high percentage of protein_coil on DNA
%Intnew=Ar33 / min(Ar33);% Intensity weighting factor (For high
%percentage of protein_coil on DNA).
% Distance of each pixal (d)
B=ones(l2,2); B(:,2)=pixsiz*b33; B(:,1)=pixsiz*(1:l2);
for p=1:l2-1;
d(p) =sqrt((B(p+1,1) - B(p,1))^2+(B(p+1,2)-B(p,2))^2);
L = sum(d);
Lnew = L*Intnew';
%%Print results- Lnano, Lnanoweighting
% save the value (area sizes)
B=ones(2,1); B(2)=L; B(1)=Lnew;
%outputTXT = regexprep(id, '.dat', ' - Lweighting.txt');
save([id '.dat'], 'B','-ASCII')
But, when I run this code, I see the following error message:
In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the
Error in file (line 95)
B=ones(2,1); B(2)=L; B(1)=Lnew;
Can someone please help me know the source of this problem and a possible solution?

Answers (1)

Guillaume on 8 May 2015
Edited: Guillaume on 8 May 2015
The error message is fairly clear. You're trying to assign a matrix / or vector (either L, Lnew or both) to a single element of a matrix. This obviously can't work.
Unfortunately, it's fairly difficult to follow your code, not helped by the lack of comments and very non-descriptive variable names. My advice for the future is to use better variable names. For example, RawImage is much clearer than Md, so is ImageHeight, ImageWidth a lot clearer than l and w.
Anyway, the best way for you to solve the problem is to use the debugger. Place a breakpoint in your code and step through it checking the size of variables is what you expect.
Finally, while that will not make a difference for your problem, I would:
  • replace strcat by fullfile when building paths.
  • replace length by numel for vectors, or size with a explicit dimension for matrices. length on a 2D matrix can either be the number of columns or rows depending on which is greater, so it's never obvious from the code which dimension it returns.
  • add a lot more comments to the code.

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