how to test and improve multi layer perceptron

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My project is about apnea detection based on ECG features; I have 11 features for each ECG and my data set is 100 Apnea and 100 normal signal. I choosed newff to implement the classifier with one hidden layer of 8 neurons and I have divided the data into training and testing. The problem is that I assumed '1' as apnea target and '0' as normal target but when it comes to testing the output is not convenient at all Here is my code where R is the training set,T is its target and S is the testing set
function[Output,trained_net,stats]= net_train(R,T,S)
net = newff(R', T, [8], {'tansig' 'logsig'}, 'traingd', ... '', 'mse', {}, {}, '');
Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 14 May 2015
Please explain why the {0,1} target is giving you problems.
It shouldn't.
amanda hachem
amanda hachem on 29 May 2015
I improved my algorithm and when training I reached 95% accuracy but the testing is still not working (almost 35%).
rand('seed', 672880951)
net = newff(minmax( R ),[11,11,1],{'tansig','logsig','logsig'});
R the training data is composed of 50 consecutive apnea records and 50 consecutive normal records and so does the testing data S.
the output should be like [ones(1,50) zeros(1,50)] but it does not. Any idea?

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Accepted Answer

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 14 May 2015
NEWPR is the version of NEWFF that should be used for classification/pattern-recognition
Remove ending semicolons to see command line printout:
target = ind2vec(trueclassindices);% Use for training
trueclassindices = vec2ind(target);
output = net(input);
predictedclassindices = vec2ind(output);
err = predictedclassindices ~= trueclassindices; % ones and zeros
Nerr = sum(err);
PctErr = 100*Nerr/N
classification breakdowns of the trn/val/tst subsets can be obtained using the training record tr obtained from
[ net tr output error ] = train(net,input,target);
% output = net(input);
% error = target-output;
tr = tr % No semicolon to see the goodies
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer
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amanda hachem
amanda hachem on 8 Jun 2015
thanks for helping it worked but i have another question.
Now i'm using newrb to classify using Radial basis but it immediately reaches minimum gradient. What do i have to change?
Thank you for your help

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