Data manipulation within CELL

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Yanis on 20 Aug 2015
Edited: Yanis on 20 Aug 2015
Hi all,
Please bear with my as I am using MATLAB only for 5 days now.
I work with some fatigue test data. From the given data I have managed to create a TABLE with all the relevant data needed (called AllStrains, TABLE of 607 rows(no. of Strain gauges) x 28514 columns (time steps of recorded data)).
For each row (Strain gauge) I have to brake the data into segments based on the loading Turning Point (Every load case of the Test has a unique ID name, when the load case change, this is a Turning Point). The segments have been identified in the variable Loading_Turn_Points (total number of Turn Points 844).
Based on the above Turning Points, I have managed to create, what I call, "windowstrains", which is segments of data from the AllStrains TABLE indexed based on the Turn_Points.
windowstrains is a CELL(843 x 1), where 843 is the number of Turning Points -1. Each CELL element is a TABLE (607 x K), where 607 is the number of Strain Gauges, and K varies.
From the "windowstrains" I am trying to identify the Strain Turning Points, in order to do so I came up with the following algorithm:
1. Use diff() to create the difference of adjacent elms for each TABLE within the "windowstrains" CELL,
2. Then use sign()to get 1,0,-1 based o nthe diff().
3. Then use diff() again to get lots of zeros and 2,
4. Then I use find(), as the NON ZERO is my strain Turning point
5. Knowing the last, I should find the Time Step of the Strain Turning Point and compare it against the Loading Turnig Point, which I call it Lag.
6. Then I need the MODE of all the Lags (I should have 843 Lag values for each Strain Gauge, from which I need the MODE, and then 607 Lags (one for each Strain Gauge)).
7. Finally I need to save a csv file with 1 row and 2 columns. File name "fbin" and Lad (calculated above).
Having describe what I need to do, my issues are:
1. I tried to do a LOOP:
%% Identify the Strains Turning Points per time window
for III=1:numel(Loading_Turn_Points)-1;
But this ONLY gives my what I am after only for the first line (instead of 843 lines), when I tried to use the index III in this manner:
%% Identify the Strains Turning Points per time window
for III=1:numel(Loading_Turn_Points)-1;
I get an ERROR "Attempted to access windowstrains.%cell(608,:); index out of bounds because size(windowstrains.%cell)=[607,25]."
I have tried to use the sign() for the DiffDelta CELL, but I get an ERROR "Undefined function 'sign' for input arguments of type 'cell'."
Any idea how to do the aforemention algorith in one loop?
2. Do you know how I can find the the Time Step of the Strain Turning Point? Step 5 in the algorithm
3. How do I save my calculated Lag in a CSV file?
4. Any general way of how to manipulated "nested" data within CELL in a TABLE format and how to use LOOP to populate CELLs and TABLEs, it would be great. I am a bit confused of CELL, TABLE definition when comes to coding.
Any help is welcome, thank you in advance.

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