fit data with x axis already formatted with dateticks() MATLAB

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I have been at this for hours, i feel like the simple problems take the longest which is annoying. I cannot seem to fit a curve to my data, i've tried fit(), polyval(), and I cannot get them to work. I think the problem is, my x axis is in months, not really numbers so the functions hate me right now. Here is my code:
startDate = datenum('01-01-1985');
endDate = datenum('12-31-1985');
month = linspace(startDate,endDate,12);
waterLevel1985 = [75.2 75.3 75.4 75.6 75.7 75.75 75.6 75.5 75.3 75.25 75.2 75.25];
p = polyfit(month,waterLevel1985,4); %error is here apparently...
x = 1:0.5:12;
bestFit = polyval(p,x);
ax = gca;
ax.XTick = month;
When i plot, I get a graph with jan feb mar apr....etc as my x axis, and the water level values for1985 on my y axis. If I just put plot (month, waterlevel1985, 'r+') I don't get a fitted curve to my data (which looks closest to a 4th degree polynomial). Please help me do this, I cannot figure it out!
EDIT: I've even tried putting [1:1:12] in the polyfit function instead of month and it still won't work. I've been fooling around with polyfit and polyval but they won't work for me. I've even tried the following:
startDate = datenum('01-01-1985');
endDate = datenum('12-31-1985');
month = linspace(startDate,endDate,12);
waterLevel1985 = [75.2 75.3 75.4 75.6 75.7 75.75 75.6 75.5 75.3 75.25 75.2 75.25];
p = polyfit([1:1:12],waterLevel1985,4);
x = 1:0.5:12;
bestFit = polyval(p,x);
hold on
plot(x, bestFit)
hold off
ax = gca;
ax.XTick = month;

Answers (1)

Chad Greene
Chad Greene on 30 Nov 2015
The way you define months is incorrect. You're actually just picking 12 datenums spaced evenly throughout the year. If you want months, get them by by:
t = linspace(startDate,endDate,12);
[year,month,day] = datevec(t);
  1 Comment
Damian Connors
Damian Connors on 30 Nov 2015
what is in the [year month day] datevec(t) vector? I don't understand what that line is doing, could you please explain a little further so i know what to replace in my code?

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