How to find probability of classification in boosted tree (AdaboostM2)
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Hello, I am using boosted tree for multi-class classification (which uses fitensemble with AdaboostM2, script generated by classification app). I am getting nearly 92% training accuracy with this settings while bagged tree is giving me nearly 82%. However, I need the probability of each class apart from the final class outcome. When I am using [class,score] = predict(...), what I am getting is NOT the probability (which is inline with the documentation), rather the averaged count among selected trees and therefore, they are not confined within [0,1]. To get the probability, I am currently summing up each row and divide each elements in the corresponding row with the summation. I understand this is not the correct way to get the probability, but I am out of idea here.
I need the probability as the competition requires me to submit probability only. Is there any way to get the class probability for the boosting method?
Brendan Hamm
on 30 Dec 2015
AdaboostM1 and AdaboostM2 do not provide the probabilities for each classification. These are not probabilistic methods, but rather use heuristics to guide the learners. This is documented in the Ensemble Methods section of the doc as well (might involve some scrolling/searching) as in the predict method, under the Definitions Section (although it does not mention adaboostM2 by name).
Answers (2)
Ruben Fernandez
on 31 Jan 2019
Any solution for this problem?
Simply summing up each row and divide each elements in the corresponding row with the summation it's statiscally correct to transform scores from a boosted tree to probablities?
on 30 Dec 2015
For AdaBoostM1 you can convert scores into probabilities by assigning string 'doublelogit' to the ScoreTransform property of the ensemble object. For AdaBoostM2 there is no simple transformation.
What you do may be good enough for the competition. If classification accuracy is used to determine the winner, you just need a monotone transformation to [0,1]. If they really want probabilities, isotonic regression has been explored in the literature for mapping scores onto probabilities. I can give you some pointers if you'd like, but the approach would be somewhat involved. First, you would need to compute scores for a dataset with known labels not used for training (using either an independent test set or cross-validation), then you would have to fit isotonic regression on that dataset to find probability for each score and then you would need to fit a non-parametric curve of your choice mapping those scores onto those probabilities.
on 31 Dec 2015
You said "To get the probability, I am currently summing up each row and divide each elements in the corresponding row with the summation." That is a monotone transformation to [0,1].
One weak learner is one tree. Look at the Trained property.
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