Time Domain Signal Convolution

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I wish to convolve multiple 1D time domain (amplitude vs time) signals which are imported in ASCii format from CST software. This is because I have multiple antennas excited in time domain impulse and this produces separate 1D signals. I need to convolve these signals to get the single received 1D signal waveform. When importing the ASCii files, what format is best? Then how do I convolve the signals to get a single output signal and plot it in 2D?

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 2 Jan 2016
"When importing the ASCii files, what format is best?" <== I'd choose to have the numbers in a CSV file if you can. Numbers are separated by commas and you can easily use csvread(), and it's much faster than xlsread().
signal = csvread(filename);
"how do I convolve the signals to get a single output signal and plot it in 2D?" <== Try this:
output = conv(signal, kernel, 'full'); % Or 'same' whichever you want.
plot(output, 'b*-', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 10);
grid on;
title('Filtered signal from convolution', 'FontSize', 20);
ylabel('filtered signal', 'FontSize', 20);
xlabel('index', FontSize', 20);
Suki Sule
Suki Sule on 4 Jan 2016
Thanks. The CST automatically saves the output in .txt format. Can I use this?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Jan 2016
Yes, but what's in between the numbers? If it's a comma, use csvread(). If it's something else, try dlmread() or importdata().

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