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Matlab debugger change the internal variables of handle class

1 view (last 30 days)
I have overloaded the custom display method in my handle classes, but I have encountered a problem with debugger. Every time when I am debugging the class code and it happens that I hover with the mouse over the class object Matlab calls the custom display method for my object. That custom display method is purposely coded to change some internal variables in the class itself. So every time when I accidentally hoover with the mouse over the class object I get the internals changed.
Is there a way to prevent Matlab debugger from using the custom display function when debugging? Can it just do its own standard display while in debug mode?
thank you
Jan Orwat
Jan Orwat on 13 Jan 2016
Could you specify which functions have you overloaded? Perhaps you can overload function display (or it will be enough for debugging), debugger seems to use disp.
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 13 Jan 2016
"That custom display method is purposely coded to change some internal variables in the class itself." -- Why? That seems like an odd design choice. Usually I wouldn't expect an object's display method to have many (if any) side effects.

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