I have a code on integration closed form.I have got the answer in terms of hypergeometric function. please explain about the solution what it actually means in simple way.A short description about the solution..Please help me.Its very much needful

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syms a x y clear
f = y/(y + x^(a/2));
F = int(f, x, 1, inf);
vpa(F, 5)
int(f, x, 'IgnoreSpecialCases', true)
Solution is:
ans =
numeric::int(y/(y + x^(a/2)), x == 1..Inf)
ans =
x*hypergeom([1, 2/a], [2/a + 1], -x^(a/2)/y)

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Feb 2016
It does not mean much, as you did not put in the integration limit when you told it to ignore special cases.

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