Optimizing collision detection using a quadtree - determining adjacent cells under periodic conditions?

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In my simulations, I currently compute pairwise distances for collision detection between (potentially overlapping, same-size) circles. I want to optimize my code, and have been trying to use quadtrees as a starting point. Additionally, I want to be able to write down a list of each cell's neighbors. I have found code that does this, but at boundaries/corners does not wrap-around. It is provided below. Can anyone give me some advice on how to adjust this code? Thank you!
function [ind,bx,by,Nb,lx,ly] = quadtree(x,y,s,n0)
% QUADTREE Recursive division of a 2-dimensional set.
% Performs recursive tree-like division of a set
% of points with coordinates X,Y.
% S is binary mask showing which points of a set
% are to be counted. N0 is maximum permissible
% number of "counted" points in the elementary
% block.
% Returns vector IND of the same size as X, Y
% showing which region each point of a set belongs
% to; binary matrices BX, BY where each row shows
% "binary address" of each region.
% Also returns "Adjacency matrix" NB which is 1 if
% i and j regions are neighbours and 0 otherwise;
% and matrices of limits for each region, LX and LY
% so that PLOT(LX(:,[1 2 2 1 1])',LY(:,[1 1 2 2 1])')
% plots the boundaries of all regions.
% Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov
% kirill@plume.mit.edu
% 01/30/95
% Default for maximal block size
n0_dflt = 10;
% Handle input ..............................
if nargin < 2
error(' Not enough input arguments.')
if nargin<4, n0 = n0_dflt; end
if nargin<3, s = []; end
if isempty(s), s = ones(size(x)); end
% If no need to divide ......................
if length(x(find(s))) <= n0
bx = []; by = []; Nb = [];
lx = []; ly = [];
ind = ones(size(x));
% Calculate limits ................
lim = [min(x) max(x) min(y) max(y)];
% Recursively construct quadtree ............
[ind,bx,by] = qtree0(x,y,s,lim,n0);
bx = bx(:,1:size(bx,2)-1);
by = by(:,1:size(by,2)-1);
% Compose "adjacency matrix" ................
szb = size(bx);
ob = ones(1,szb(1));
pow = 2.^(0:szb(2)-1);
pow = flipud(pow');
% "Lower" and "upper" bounds for trees
bxmax = ceil(bx)*pow;
bxmin = floor(bx)*pow;
bymax = ceil(by)*pow;
bymin = floor(by)*pow;
% "Physical" limits of each regions
lx = [bxmin bxmax+1];
ly = [bymin bymax+1];
lx = lim(1)+lx*(lim(2)-lim(1))/pow(1)/2;
ly = lim(3)+ly*(lim(4)-lim(3))/pow(1)/2;
B0 = bxmin(:,ob);
B1 = bxmax(:,ob);
Nb = (B0'-B1<=1) & (B1'-B0>=-1);
B0 = bymin(:,ob);
B1 = bymax(:,ob);
Nb = Nb & (B0'-B1<=1) & (B1'-B0>=-1);
function [ind,bx,by] = qtree0(x,y,s,lim,n0)
% QTREE0 Primitive for QUADTREE.
% Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov
% kirill@plume.mit.edu
% 01/26/95
% Divide and make further recursion if necessary
N = length(find(s));
% If not to divide further .....................
ind = ones(size(x));
if N <= n0
bx = .5; by = .5;
% Further division is needed ...................
% Calculate middle of the current range
x_mid = (lim(2)+lim(1))/2;
y_mid = (lim(4)+lim(3))/2;
% Branch for current level
bx0 = [0 0 1 1]';
by0 = [0 1 0 1]';
n1 = find( x<=x_mid & y<=y_mid ); % Lower-left
lm = [lim(1) x_mid lim(3) y_mid];
[ind1,bx1,by1] = qtree0(x(n1),y(n1),s(n1),lm,n0);
n2 = find( x<x_mid & y>y_mid ); % Upper-left
lm = [lim(1) x_mid y_mid lim(4)];
[ind2,bx2,by2] = qtree0(x(n2),y(n2),s(n2),lm,n0);
n3 = find( x>x_mid & y<=y_mid ); % Lower-right
lm = [x_mid lim(2) lim(3) y_mid];
[ind3,bx3,by3] = qtree0(x(n3),y(n3),s(n3),lm,n0);
n4 = find( x>x_mid & y>y_mid ); % Upper-right
lm = [x_mid lim(2) y_mid lim(4)];
[ind4,bx4,by4] = qtree0(x(n4),y(n4),s(n4),lm,n0);
% Make composite binary "tree matrices"
szB = [size(bx1); size(bx2); size(bx3); size(bx4)];
szv = cumsum(szB(:,1));
szh = max(szB(:,2))+1;
% Initialize output matrices
bx = .5*ones(szv(4),szh);
by = bx;
% Fill binary matrices ..................
nnv = (1:szv(1))'; nnh = 2:szB(1,2)+1;
bx(nnv,nnh) = bx1; by(nnv,nnh) = by1;
bx(nnv,1) = bx0(1)*ones(size(nnv));
by(nnv,1) = by0(1)*ones(size(nnv));
nnv = (szv(1)+1:szv(2))'; nnh = 2:szB(2,2)+1;
bx(nnv,nnh) = bx2; by(nnv,nnh) = by2;
bx(nnv,1) = bx0(2)*ones(size(nnv));
by(nnv,1) = by0(2)*ones(size(nnv));
nnv = (szv(2)+1:szv(3))'; nnh = 2:szB(3,2)+1;
bx(nnv,nnh) = bx3; by(nnv,nnh) = by3;
bx(nnv,1) = bx0(3)*ones(size(nnv));
by(nnv,1) = by0(3)*ones(size(nnv));
nnv = (szv(3)+1:szv(4))'; nnh = 2:szB(4,2)+1;
bx(nnv,nnh) = bx4; by(nnv,nnh) = by4;
bx(nnv,1) = bx0(4)*ones(size(nnv));
by(nnv,1) = by0(4)*ones(size(nnv));
% Calculate indices .....................
ind2 = ind2+szv(1);
ind3 = ind3+szv(2);
ind4 = ind4+szv(3);
ind(n1) = ind1;
ind(n2) = ind2;
ind(n3) = ind3;
ind(n4) = ind4;

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