How can I save a set of Tracks generated on MatLab as a set of tif files (to be able to analyze on ImageJ for Tracking on TrackMate)

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I use the below Matlab code to generate tracks:-
N_DIM = 2; % 2D
% Typical values taken from studies of proteins diffusing in membranes:
% Diffusion coefficient
D = 1e-3; % µm^2/s
% Time step between acquisition; fast acquisition!
dT = 0.05; % s,
% Area size, just used to disperse particles in 2D. Has no impact on
% analysis.
SIZE = 2; % µm
k = sqrt(2 * D * dT);
tracks = cell(N_PARTICLES, 1);
for i = 1 : N_PARTICLES
% Time
time = (0 : N_TIME_STEPS-1)' * dT;
% Initial position
X0 = SIZE .* rand(1, N_DIM);
% Integrate uncorrelated displacement
dX = k * randn(N_TIME_STEPS, N_DIM);
dX(1, :) = X0;
X = cumsum(dX, 1);
% Store
tracks{i} = [time X];
clear i X dX time X0
I would like to take this track as an output in the form of a stack of tif files, so I can use it for Single Particle Tracking on TrackMate (ImageJ).
Would be great if some one could point me in the right direction.

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