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how can slect randomly numbers from two array s

3 views (last 30 days)
I have two arrays with 5 elements each and want to select 5 numbers randomly from both arrays, please help me how can select any 5 number from both A & B

Accepted Answer

Gopichandh Danala
Gopichandh Danala on 28 Jun 2017
vals = zeros(1,length(A));
for i = 1:length(A)
idx = randperm(2,1);
if idx == 1
vals(i) = A(i);
vals(i) = B(i);

More Answers (2)

Adam on 28 Jun 2017
Edited: Adam on 28 Jun 2017
idx = randperm(10,5);
C = [A, B];
selectedNums = C(idx);
or to be a little more generic and avoid ugly hard-coded numbers that can be taken from the data instead:
C = [A, B];
idx = randperm(numel(C),5);
selectedNums = C(idx);
  1 Comment
usman younus
usman younus on 28 Jun 2017
A=[3818.36,7632.40,11446.44,15260.48,19074.52]; B=[657.15,1089.15,1521.15,1953.15,2385.15];
Adam i need one value from each index of A&B justlike on index 1, I need 3818.36 or 657.15, and from index2 i need 7632.40 0r 1089.15 but your suggested code is giving 5 values from all values of A&B please hlep

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Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 28 Jun 2017
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 28 Jun 2017
C = [A;B];
out = C(sub2ind(size(C),randi([1,2],1,5),1:5));

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