fmincon options: How can i prevent the optimization to make big steps of X, to search for a possible global optimum, when she solver found a possible lokal minimum?

5 views (last 30 days)
Hey guys, (excuse my englisch, i'm not a native speaker) im using fmincon to optimize a tendon driven robot. The value i optimize right now is the tendon-force X = tau(in my code). And the function that is optimized passes back the distance of the robot-tip to a point in 3D space. Can't give more information on that.
My function worked fine until i used nonlcon. The distance was optimized to less than a milimeter. With nonlcon the distance is 12mm or more. Often the function finds a lokal minimum, that is not near the gobal minimum. But then X = tau is increased to much and another function (TM_IVP_2) malfunctions.
tipError =
tipError =
tipError =
tipError =
Warning: No solution for BVP found, exitflag=0
> In TM_IVP_2 (line 106)
In Test_Code_fmincon_voxel/optimFct (line 8)
In sqpInterface
In fmincon (line 808)
In Test_Code_fmincon_voxel (line 64)
In Test_Code_Start_noloop_voxel (line 97)
tipError =
Warning: No solution for BVP found, exitflag=0
> In TM_IVP_2 (line 106)
In Test_Code_fmincon_voxel/Test_Code_Collision (line 26)
In sqpInterface
In fmincon (line 808)
In Test_Code_fmincon_voxel (line 64)
In Test_Code_Start_noloop_voxel (line 97)
Warning: No solution for BVP found, exitflag=0
> In TM_IVP_2 (line 106)
In Test_Code_fmincon_voxel/optimFct (line 8)
In sqpInterface
In fmincon (line 808)
In Test_Code_fmincon_voxel (line 64)
In Test_Code_Start_noloop_voxel (line 97)
tipError =
Warning: No solution for BVP found, exitflag=0
> In TM_IVP_2 (line 106)
In Test_Code_fmincon_voxel/Test_Code_Collision (line 26)
In sqpInterface
In fmincon (line 808)
In Test_Code_fmincon_voxel (line 64)
In Test_Code_Start_noloop_voxel (line 97)
tipError =
tipError =
tipError =
tipError =
tipError =
tipError =
tipError =
tipError =
tipError =
What i want to know is:
  • Am i using nonlcon wrong? I need it to constrain the 3D space, because there are objects the robot should not pass.
  • Is there a way to stop the optimization to search for a global minimum, when a possible local minimum is found?
function [ tau , Optimization, exflag, output ] = Test_Code_fmincon_voxel(indexKid, u_init_guess, tau_start, param, l, F, Voxel)
%UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
Optimization = 0;
% tau = tau_start;
function tipError = optimFct(tau)
Optimization = Optimization +1;
[y] = TM_IVP_2(u_init_guess,tau,l,F,param);
indexRobo = Test_Code_Voxelize_Points(y(end,1:3), Voxel); % pass row vector
tipError = norm(Test_Code_Coordinate_Voxel(indexKid, Voxel)-y(end,1:3))
% memory
% drawnow
function [c, ceq] = Test_Code_Collision(tau)
ceq = [];
[y] = TM_IVP_2(u_init_guess,tau,l,F,param); % calculates Robot structure
indexRobo = Test_Code_Voxelize_Points(y(1:end,1:3), Voxel); % pass row vector
c = 0;
for i=1:length(indexRobo(1:end,1))
if Voxel.volume(indexRobo(i,1),indexRobo(i,2),indexRobo(i,3)) == 2
c = 1;
c = -1;
nonlcon = @Test_Code_Collision;
options = optimoptions('fmincon');
options.Display = 'final-detailed';%'off','iter','notify','notify-detailed','final','final-detailed',iter-detailed'
options.TolX = 1e-4;
options.Diagnostics = 'off';
% options.UseParallel = 'always';
% my options
% options.PlotFcns = @optimplotstepsize;
options.TolFun = 1e-6;
options.MaxIterations = 500;
options.FiniteDifferenceStepSize = 1e-2;
options.OptimalityTolerance = 1e-20;
options.ConstraintTolerance = 1e-8;
% options.DiffMaxChange = 5e-2;
ub = Inf*ones(3,2);
% ub = [5,5;5,5;5,5];
% lb = zeros(3,2);
lb = -Inf*ones(3,2);
[tau, val, exflag, output] = fmincon(@optimFct,tau_start,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,nonlcon,options);
TM_IVP_2 calculates the robot structure. I have to use FiniteDifferenceStepSize, otherwise the optimization does not increase X = tau in a significant way.
If you need more information, let me know. Glad for all help.
(how can i produce a textparagraph, like one after "Hey guys,". cant figure it out :D )
Greetings Vince

Answers (1)

Matt J
Matt J on 20 Aug 2017
Edited: Matt J on 20 Aug 2017
Am i using nonlcon wrong?
At the very least, you appear to be ignoring smoothness/differentiabilty requirements on the objective function and constraints. In particular your constraint is discrete (taking only values of 1 and -1) and therefore cannot be differentiable. Similarly, your objective function looks at norm(z) which is non-differentiable at z=0 instead of norm(z)^2.
Is there a way to stop the optimization to search for a global minimum, when a possible local minimum is found?
fmincon always stops when a possible local minimum is found. fmincon has no way of distinguishing between local and global minima.
Matt J
Matt J on 22 Aug 2017
Edited: Matt J on 22 Aug 2017
So, now i tried out something new. I check the distance of a Voxel of the Robot to all Voxel of the object.
Voxelizing the robot seems like a bad idea, because it is a discrete function of your optimization variables, x. This again creates differentiability problems and forces you to use very large finite difference step sizes.
Could you not draw a simpler bounding surface around the object you are trying to avoid? A sphere, for example, or a set of planes? The distance of the robot tip to the surface would be easier to express analytically/differentiably.
Consider also that you are not looking for an exact solution anyway - just something you will later refine with global optimization.
Vincent Hielscher
Vincent Hielscher on 24 Aug 2017
Strange i checked for answers each day. But today it's the 1. time i see it.
Anyway...i'll invest some time on thinking about the way i set my boundings. Yeah i know, i don't get the exact solution with optimization.
Thanks a lot for your help Matt! Greetings Vince

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