Pushbutton in GUIDE gives the error "Undefined function or variable 'Test_wone_file_1'" only if other callback are previously activated

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Here I am again in my series of questions to get from A to Z on my project. Here is my previous questions. I finally understood how to pass the handles between different callbacks. I want now to plot the curves of the selected checkboxes when I press the pushbutton "Plot!".
If If I press it as first thing nothing happens (the callback is still empty, see code below).
If I press it when I actually want to plot, I get the error: (notice that Test-wone-file_1 is my Guide).
Undefined function or variable 'Test_wone_file_1'.
Error in matlab.graphics.internal.figfile.FigFile/read>@(hObject,eventdata)Test_wone_file_1('PB2_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
Do you have any Idea of what could it be? I attach as always the files and the file .TRA if someone wants to try the code.
% --- Executes on button press in PB1.
function PB1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
dname = uigetdir('C:\Users\MDl\Dropbox\epfl\Internship\matlab scripts');
if dname == 0
F = dir('*.TRA');
for i = 1:length(F)
names{i,1} = F(i,1).name;
% Create cell 'false' of same length of names
checkboxes = num2cell(false(length(names),1));
% Create the two columns for uitable
myData =[checkboxes names];
% Set the uitable
columneditable = [true false];
columnformat = {'logical', 'char'};
set(handles.uitable2,'data', myData,...
'ColumnFormat', columnformat,...
'ColumnEditable', columneditable,...
handles.myData = myData;
handles.files = cell(length(F),2);
guidata(hObject, handles)
function fctCB(hObject,eventdata)
handles = guidata(hObject);
files = handles.files;
myData = handles.myData;
if eventdata.NewData == 1
% read the file only if it isn't already there
if isempty(files{eventdata.Indices(1),1})
fName = myData(eventdata.Indices(1),2);
fileName = fopen(fName{1,1}, 'r');
C = textscan(fileName, '%s %s %s', 'Delimiter', ';');
% create two subcells in files at the index eventdata containing the force and displacement
for i = 1:length(C{1,1})-17
files{eventdata.Indices(1),1}{i,1} = str2double(C{1,1}{i+17});
files{eventdata.Indices(1),2}{i,1} = str2double(C{1,2}{i+17});
% f1 = cell2mat(files{eventdata.Indices(1),1});
% f2 = cell2mat(files{eventdata.Indices(1),2});
% hold all
% plot(f1,f2)
handles.files(eventdata.Indices(1),:) = files(eventdata.Indices(1),:);
guidata(hObject, handles);
% --- Executes on button press in PB2.
function PB2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
handles = guidata(hObject);
% files = handles.files;
% CB_answer = cell2mat(handles.uitable2.Data(1:end,1));
% cla;
% set(handles.axes1, 'Visible', 'off')
% for i = 1:length(CB_answer)
% if CB_answer(i) == 1
% f1 = cell2mat(files{i,1});
% f2 = cell2mat(files{i,2});
% hold all
% plot(f1,f2)
% else
% end
% end
% set(handles.axes1, 'Visible', 'on')
guidata(hObject, handles);
OCDER on 1 Nov 2017
How are you running the GUI? Do NOT double-click the .fig file, as this causes an error - it will skip the initialization functions, causing a lot of issues. Run the gui by doing this:
>> Test_wone_file_1
Michael Daldini
Michael Daldini on 2 Nov 2017
Edited: Michael Daldini on 2 Nov 2017
I click on the execute command (F5). I will try as you say and come back to this.
This is what happens, I downloaded the zip folder here attached and it works... The exact same file...
Could it be because I execute the file saved on Dropbox? I just don't understand xD
I have found the problem, really stupid. I was opening the .TRA files from another folder than the one were my matlab file is saved. Hence I need now to understand how to tell the program to go back to that folder. thanks for your help. If you want to answer to this question properly (with the button answer, you can also write: "look to the comments") I will approve it.

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Accepted Answer

OCDER on 2 Nov 2017
Edited: OCDER on 2 Nov 2017
Look at comment :)
So, to help you get started with editing your code to handle TRA file in other directories, you need to edit PB1_CallBack to store the directory name, dname, somewhere and then use that when loading your data in fctCB.
Edit PB1_Callback like this:
function PB1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
dname = uigetdir('C:\Users\MDl\Dropbox\epfl\Internship\matlab scripts');
if dname == 0
F = dir(fullfile(dname, '*.TRA'));
names = {F.name}'; %<USE THIS instead of looping %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Create cell 'false' of same length of names
checkboxes = num2cell(false(length(names),1));
% Create the two columns for uitable
myData =[checkboxes names];
% Set the uitable
columneditable = [true false];
columnformat = {'logical', 'char'};
set(handles.uitable2,'data', myData,...
'ColumnFormat', columnformat,...
'ColumnEditable', columneditable,...
handles.myData = myData;
handles.filepath = dname; %<ADD THIS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
handles.files = cell(length(F),2);
guidata(hObject, handles)
Edit fctCB like this:
function fctCB(hObject,eventdata)
handles = guidata(hObject);
files = handles.files;
myData = handles.myData;
if eventdata.NewData == 1
% read the file only if it isn't already there
if isempty(files{eventdata.Indices(1),1})
fName = myData(eventdata.Indices(1),2);
fileName = fopen(fullfile(handles.filepath, fName{1,1}), 'r'); %<EDIT THIS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
C = textscan(fileName, '%s %s %s', 'Delimiter', ';');
% create two subcells in files at the index eventdata containing the force and displacement
for i = 1:length(C{1,1})-17
files{eventdata.Indices(1),1}{i,1} = str2double(C{1,1}{i+17});
files{eventdata.Indices(1),2}{i,1} = str2double(C{1,2}{i+17});
% f1 = cell2mat(files{eventdata.Indices(1),1});
% f2 = cell2mat(files{eventdata.Indices(1),2});
% hold all
% plot(f1,f2)
handles.files(eventdata.Indices(1),:) = files(eventdata.Indices(1),:);
guidata(hObject, handles);

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