Using neural network in GUI to predict images

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi all,
I'm using neural network with alexnet to predict a set of images with matlab 2017a. I've been testing the predict part with the images from the example page ( but when it comes to predict the example, I get this error when loading the training Features:
Error using SeriesNetwork>iDataDispatcher (line 525) For an image input layer, the input data for predict must be a single image, a 4D array of images, or an imageDatastore with the correct size.
This part is executed when I press a button after I load and resize an image, as shown in the code below:
% --- Executes on button press in identif.
function identif_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to identif (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
global foto net featureLayer trainingSet trainingLabels
img1 = imread(foto);
img2 = imresize(img1, [227,227]);
trainingFeatures = activations(net, trainingSet, featureLayer, ...
'MiniBatchSize', 32, 'OutputAs', 'columns','ExecutionEnvironment','cpu'); %Here I get the error
classifier = fitcecoc(trainingFeatures, trainingLabels, ...
'Learners', 'Linear', 'Coding', 'onevsall', 'ObservationsIn', 'columns');
imageFeatures = activations(net, img, featureLayer, 'ExecutionEnvironment','cpu');
label = predict(classifier, imageFeatures)
But using it in matlab it does work. So my question is, Do I have to create a separate function to do this?
Thanks in advance and the code of the program is attached.
  1 Comment
sergivaqx on 6 Nov 2017
Hi all, After checking for a while, I saw the the files loaded at the beginning of the program (trainingSet.m and trainingLabels.m) are loaded as struct, so to use their contents I have to call them as trainingSet.trainingSet and trainingLabels.trainingLabels. At the moment I'm testing it...

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