How to do model.add(Reshape(Ny, Nx, 1)) in Matlab NNet?

3 views (last 30 days)
I'd like to perform a image-to-image CNN net in Matlab, where both of my input and output of the net is [28 28 1]. I made the net by:
inputLayer = imageInputLayer([28 28 1], 'Name', 'inputLayer');
conv_1 = convolution2dLayer(3,8,'Padding','same', 'Name', 'conv_1');
BN_1 = batchNormalizationLayer('Name', 'BN_1');
relu_1 = reluLayer('Name', 'relu_1');
avpool_1 = averagePooling2dLayer(2,'Stride',2,'Name', 'avpool_1');
conv_2 = convolution2dLayer(3,16,'Padding','same', 'Name', 'conv_2');
BN_2 = batchNormalizationLayer('Name', 'BN_2');
relu_2 = reluLayer('Name', 'relu_2');
avpool_2 = averagePooling2dLayer(2,'Stride',2,'Name', 'avpool_2');
conv_3 = convolution2dLayer(3,32,'Padding','same', 'Name', 'conv_3');
BN_3 = batchNormalizationLayer('Name', 'BN_3');
relu_3 = reluLayer('Name', 'relu_3');
conv_4 = convolution2dLayer(3,32,'Padding','same', 'Name', 'conv_4');
BN_4 = batchNormalizationLayer('Name', 'BN_4');
relu_4 = reluLayer('Name', 'relu_4');
doLayer = dropoutLayer(0.2,'Name', 'doLayer');
fc = fullyConnectedLayer(28*28, 'Name', 'fc');
routputlayer = regressionLayer('Name', 'routputlayer');
layers = [inputLayer;...
conv_1; BN_1; relu_1; avpool_1; ...
conv_2; BN_2; relu_2; avpool_2; ...
conv_3; BN_3; relu_3; ...
conv_4; BN_4; relu_4; ...
doLayer; fc;
% Train Network
miniBatchSize = 10;
validationFrequency = floor(numel(YTrain)/miniBatchSize);
options = trainingOptions('sgdm',...
net = trainNetwork(XTrain,YTrain,layers,options);
But I got error message like this:
Error using trainNetwork (line 154)
Invalid training data. The output size [1 1 784] of the last layer
doesn't match the response size [28 28 1].
I know that in Python, we can reshape the output size by model.add(Reshape(Ny, Nx, 1)), does anyone knows how to do this in Matlab?

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