TAP results do not show up during execution time, if a TestClassSetup is present
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Christian Heigele
on 7 Aug 2018
Answered: Andy Campbell
on 9 Aug 2018
Hi there
I have a problem. We use the Matlab testing framework to analyze our codebase. To track the results in our CI system TeamCity we use the TAP-format. Here we have the following problem:
If a test includes a TestClassSetup section, the TAP results show up only at the end, and not during the exection. This results in a few issues for us: - Timestamps might not be correct - If informative output is given per test-case, it is not shown together with the assertion statment.
We use the following (simplified) snippet to identify out TestSuite and execute it:
testSuite = matlab.unittest.TestSuite.fromFolder('.');
runner = matlab.unittest.TestRunner.withNoPlugins();
results = runner.run(testSuite);
With the following two classes the issue is reproducible (the content is of course made up & meaningless...):
classdef SomeTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase
properties (TestParameter)
param = {1, 2};
param2 = {1, 2};
methods (TestClassSetup)
function someSetup(testCase)
methods (Test)
function testMethod(self, param, param2)
fprintf('I''m here, with the params: %f/%f\n', param, param2);
self.assertGreaterThan(param, param2);
classdef SomeOtherTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase
properties (TestParameter)
param = {1, 2};
param2 = {1, 2};
methods (Test)
function testMethod(self, param, param2)
fprintf('I''m here, with the params: %f/%f\n', param, param2);
self.assertGreaterThan(param, param2);
If you copy all three files into one folder, and execute the runner, you'll see the output (assertions are simplified):
I'm here, with the params: 1.000000/1.000000
not ok 1 - SomeOtherTest/testMethod(param=1,param2=1)
# ================================================================================
# Assertion failed in SomeOtherTest/testMethod(param=1,param2=1) and it did not run to completion.
# ================================================================================
I'm here, with the params: 1.000000/2.000000
not ok 2 - SomeOtherTest/testMethod(param=1,param2=2)
# ================================================================================
# Assertion failed in SomeOtherTest/testMethod(param=1,param2=2) and it did not run to completion.
# ================================================================================
I'm here, with the params: 2.000000/1.000000
ok 3 - SomeOtherTest/testMethod(param=2,param2=1)
I'm here, with the params: 2.000000/2.000000
not ok 4 - SomeOtherTest/testMethod(param=2,param2=2)
# ================================================================================
# Assertion failed in SomeOtherTest/testMethod(param=2,param2=2) and it did not run to completion.
# ================================================================================
I'm here, with the params: 1.000000/1.000000
I'm here, with the params: 1.000000/2.000000
I'm here, with the params: 2.000000/1.000000
I'm here, with the params: 2.000000/2.000000
not ok 5 - SomeTest/testMethod(param=1,param2=1)
# ================================================================================
# Assertion failed in SomeTest/testMethod(param=1,param2=1) and it did not run to completion.
# ================================================================================
not ok 6 - SomeTest/testMethod(param=1,param2=2)
# ================================================================================
# Assertion failed in SomeTest/testMethod(param=1,param2=2) and it did not run to completion.
# ================================================================================
ok 7 - SomeTest/testMethod(param=2,param2=1)
not ok 8 - SomeTest/testMethod(param=2,param2=2)
# ================================================================================
# Assertion failed in SomeTest/testMethod(param=2,param2=2) and it did not run to completion.
# ================================================================================
What I would expect is that also in the second case the Assertion statements (and the ok / not ok TAP flags) are aligned with the fprintf-statements.
Has anyone an idea?
Accepted Answer
Andy Campbell
on 9 Aug 2018
This was also asked and answered on stack overflow:
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