while running code for meanshift algorithm,shows the error below.how correct it?

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x = double( imread('athira.jpg') );
y = meanShiftPixCluster(x,20,32);
sample = zeros(size(x,1),size(x,2));
sample(1:3:end,1:3:end) = 1;
R = x(:,:,1); Rx = R(sample==1); Rn = randn( numel(Rx),1 )/3;
G = x(:,:,2); Gx = G(sample==1); Gn = randn( numel(Rx),1 )/3;
B = x(:,:,3); Bx = B(sample==1); Bn = randn( numel(Rx),1 )/3;
subplot(221), imshow(uint8(x)), axis image; title('input image')
subplot(223), imshow(uint8(y)), axis image; title('output image')
scatter3( Rx(:)-Rn, Gx(:)-Gn, Bx(:)-Bn, 3, [ Rx(:), Gx(:), Bx(:) ]/255 );
title('Pixel Distribution Before Meanshift')
xlim([0,255]),ylim([0,255]),zlim([0,255]);axis square
R = y(:,:,1); Ry = R(sample==1); Rn = randn( numel(Rx),1 )/3;
G = y(:,:,2); Gy = G(sample==1); Gn = randn( numel(Rx),1 )/3;
B = y(:,:,3); By = B(sample==1); Bn = randn( numel(Rx),1 )/3;
scatter3( Ry(:)-Rn, Gy(:)-Gn, By(:)-Bn, 3, [ Rx(:), Gx(:), By(:) ]/255 );
title('Pixel Distribution After Meanshift')
xlim([0,255]),ylim([0,255]),zlim([0,255]);axis square
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Additional Info:
% This is a toy code of mean shift pixel clustering, but it did cover the
% core idea od mean shift. One may extend the current code for
% multiresolution analysis, or replace new kernel functions instead of
% gaussian kernels used in this implementations. Details of parameters and
% their influence on clustering results and the convergence proof of the
% mean shift algorithm please refer the cited paper.
% Please play with this code with other images and parameters. Contact me
% if you find any bugs.
% by Yue Wu
% rex.yue.wu@gmail.com
% 11/30/2013
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Argument Check if nargin<3 error('please type help for function syntax') elseif nargin == 3 th = 1/100; plotOn = 1; elseif nargin == 4 if th<0 th >255 error('threshold should be in [0,255]') else plotOn = 1; end elseif nargin == 5 if sum(ismember(plotOn,[0,1])) == 0 error('plotOn option has to be 0 or 1') end elseif nargin>5 error('too many input arguments') end %% initialization x = double(x); [height,width,depth] = size(x); y = x; done = 0; iter = 0; if plotOn figure(randi(1000)+1000); end % padding image to deal with pixels on borders xPad = padarray(x,[height,width,0],'symmetric'); % build up look up table to boost computation speed weight_map = exp( -(0:255^2)/hr^2 ); MS = []; %% main loop while ~done weightAccum = 0; yAccum = 0; % only 99.75% area (3sigma) of the entire non-zero Gaussian kernel is considered for i = -hs:hs for j = -hs:hs if ( i~=0 j~=0 ) % spatial kernel weight spatialKernel = 1; % uncomment the following line to active Gausian kernel %spatialKernel = exp(-(i^2+j^2)/(hs/3)^2/2); xThis = xPad(height+i:2*height+i-1, width+j:2*width+j-1, 1:depth); xDiffSq = (y-xThis).^2; % feature kernel weight intensityKernel = repmat( prod( reshape( weight_map( xDiffSq+1 ), height, width, depth) , 3 ), [1,1, depth]); % mixed kernel weight weightThis = spatialKernel.*intensityKernel; % update accumulated weights weightAccum = weightAccum+ weightThis; % update accumulated estimated ys from xs yAccum = yAccum+xThis.*weightThis; end end end % normalized y (see Eq.(20) in the cited paper) yThis = yAccum./(weightAccum+eps); % convergence criterion yMS = mean(abs(round(yThis(:))-round(y(:)))); y = round(yThis); MS(iter+1) = yMS; %xPad = padarray(y,[height,width,0],'symmetric'); if plotOn subplot(121), imshow(uint8(y)),axis image, title(['iteration times = ' num2str(iter) '; averaged mean-shift = ' num2str(yMS)]); subplot(122), plot(0:iter, MS ), xlabel('iteration #'), ylabel('averaged mean shift');axis square drawnow end if yMS <= th % exit if converge done = 1; else % otherwise update estimated y and repeat mean shift iter = iter+1; end end

Accepted Answer

madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 25 Oct 2018
as it clearly states
error('please type help for function syntax')
help meanShiftPixCluster
in command window
if it states meanShiftPixCluster not found.
you have to contact the author for that function

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