Fitting Inverse Power Polynomial to dataset with very small values

6 views (last 30 days)
I'm trying to fit an inverse power polynomial of 4th power, but the fit function is not fiiting the data correctly.
Even when I manually give the correct parameter estimates, it fails to reproduce the fit. (Just finding the parameters manually is not enough, as I need a generic code which will work with different datasets).
I've been trying to play around with the fit options to fix the fit, but I didn't succeed.
It seems like the issue is that I am dealing with very small numbers (1e-18) and coefficients which are orders of magnitude different, and Matlab is having trouble to fit it.
I would appreciate any kind of advice, as I've been working on this for quite long and didn't get any meaningful fittings.
I attached a dataset, and copied a functioning example below.
fid = fopen('phase05.txt', 'r'); % pointer to file
data = []; % initialize; don't know size of matrix;
row = 1; % initialize;
while ~feof(fid) % loop until file ends;
aline = fgetl(fid); % read in a new line;
data(row,:) = sscanf(aline, '%g'); %convert to number;
row = row + 1;
fclose(fid); % close file;
f = data(:,1); % extracting the values of frequency
noise = data(:,2); % extracting the values of logarithmic power spectral density of frequency L(f)
Sphi = 2 * (10.^(noise./10)); % converting from L(f) to Sphi(f)
fitPLaw = @(f) 2*p0 + (2*p1)./f + (2*p2)./(f.^2) + (2*p3)./(f.^3) + (2*p4)./(f.^4);
myFitFunc = fittype('2*p0 + (2*p1)./f + (2*p2)./(f.^2) + (2*p3)./(f.^3) + (2*p4)./(f.^4)', ...
'dependent','Sphi','independent','f', ...
'coefficients',{'p4', 'p3', 'p2', 'p1', 'p0'});
[myFit, goffit, outputF] = fit(f, Sphi, myFitFunc, 'StartPoint', [10^(-18),10^(-18),10^(-18),10^(-18),10^(-18)],...
pCoeff = fit(f, Sphi, myFit,'MaxIter',1000); %, 'StartPoint', [1e-8, 1e-8, 1e-8, 1e-8, 1e-8], 'Method', 'LinearLeastSquares');
noiseSim=2*pArray(5) + (2*pArray(4))./f + (2*pArray(3))./(f.^2) + (2*pArray(2))./(f.^3) + (2*pArray(1))./(f.^4);
myNoise=2*1e-18 + (6*1e-12)./f + (2*1e-11)./(f.^2) + (2*2e-5)./(f.^3) + (2*1e-2)./(f.^4); % phase05
logF=log10(f); % log of frequency
logPhi=log10(Sphi); % log of the data
logFit=log10(noiseSim); % log of the extracted fit on Sphi
legend('L-fitted,log(f)','L-data,log(f)','using values manually ,log(f)')

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