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MATLAB 2018b does not start, MATLAB 2018a starts, but takes forever to compute as simple as 2+2

3 views (last 30 days)
I had an original academic installation of MATLAB 2018a on my laptop which worked fine. Later I added a 2018b version as well. Both worked fine. But, recenltly on a random day, the laptop crashed while MATLAB 2018b was open. Ever since then, MATLAB 2018b executable does not open MATLAB, as if it does not exist at all. I reinstalled it fresh, but that did not help. The 2018a version opens and works randomly, but again also randomly freezes forever to do such simple tasks as 2+2. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Accepted Answer

A.B. on 30 Mar 2019
Edited: A.B. on 30 Mar 2019
It took me three months to find the answer, which is the number one solution provided here:

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