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find index of points in meshgrid under the line

1 view (last 30 days)
I have 2D mesh grid of 501*2001. I want to get indices of values for the grid points in straight line to change the values of grid amplitude as shown in figure. Capture.JPG

Answers (1)

KSSV on 23 Apr 2019
Read about knnsearch. You will get the the required/ nearest indices for the given line from the grid.
Abhishek Saini
Abhishek Saini on 23 Apr 2019
Let me rephrase my question. I think i was not clear in my question.
I have 2D meshgrid of size 501x2001. Now what I would like to do is to change the value of grid in a linear form in a straight line manner. So that If I use imagesc it will show two different values.
I know the cordinates of line where I have to change the values but I want to get the values in between the two end cordinates to get all the index.
KSSV on 23 Apr 2019
I got your question......the answer works.

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