I want to draw current patches by m_map, WHY MY CODE ISN'T NOTICED ABOUT BUGS BUT IT DOESN'T WORK? (it was showed of running, and maintain without result during 5 hours)

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This is my code:
folder = 'E:\...'; cd('E:\...');
fn0 = 'TOTL_ALLM_2014_'; % files name
sf= 'trajectory'; % name of the folder
for month = 9:12
if month == 9; day = [15:30];
elseif month == 10; day = [1:31];
elseif month == 11; day = [1:30];
elseif month == 12; day = [1:11];
for day = day(1):day(end)
for hour = 0:23
m_proj('Equidistant Cylindrical','long',[119 123],'lat',[21 26]);
m_etopo2('contourf',[-7000:1000:0 0:1000:2000],'edgecolor','none');
caxis([-7000 2000]);
filename0=[fn0 sprintf('%02d', month),'_', sprintf('%02d', day),'_',sprintf('%02d', hour), '00'];
filename=[fn0 sprintf('%02d', month),'_', sprintf('%02d', day),'_',sprintf('%02d', hour), '00.tuv'];
t = load(filename);
[x,y] = m_ll2xy(t(:,1),t(:,2),'clip','patch');
title(['Day 2014' num2str(month,'%02d') num2str(day,'%02d') ' Hour ' num2str(hour,'%02d')]);
colormap([ m_colmap('blues',70); m_colmap('greens',20)]);
c = colorbar;
c.Label.String = 'Meters';
set(gcf,'Units','centimeters','position',[3 1 16.0 16.0],'PaperPositionMode','auto');
if (~isequal(exist([folder '/' sf], 'dir'),7)); mkdir([folder '/' sf]); end
print('-dpng',[folder '/' sf '/' filename0 '.png'], '-r100');
close all; fclose all;
clear aa;
  1 Comment
KSSV on 26 Apr 2019
raw current patches by m_map can you elaborate on this?
We cannot help unless we have data in hand.....and as you said it takes five hours...how you expect us to wait for that long?

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