Trouble using lsqcurvefit function to determine 2 unknowns

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Keep recieving errors when we try and use the lsqcurvefit function to estimate heat transfer coefficent and thermal conductivity. T is tempature and xt is Time and location. h and k are inital guesses. First function works fine but having errors with second function. Any help would be greatly apreciated.
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%calling data from txt file
tab = importdata('data4.txt');
Time0 = tab (:,1); %time
Time1 = [Time0 Time0 Time0 Time0 Time0 Time0];
Time = Time1(:);
TCB = tab(:,2); %Thermo Base
TC1 = tab(:,3); %Thermo 1
TC2 = tab(:,4); %Thermo 2
TC3 = tab(:,5); %Thermo 3
TC4 = tab(:,6); %Thermo 4
TC5 = tab(:,7); %Thermo 5
t = [TCB TC1 TC2 TC3 TC4 TC5];
T = t(:);
U = tab(:,8); %PID Gain
x0 = tab(:,9); %Distance
x1 = tab(:,10); %Distance
x2 = tab(:,11); %Distance
x3 = tab(:,12); %Distance
x4 = tab(:,13); %Distance
x5 = tab(:,14); %Distance
j = [x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5];
X = j(:);
xt = [X,Time];
% Knowns/IGuesses
T_amb = 26; % ambient Temperature in Celcius
T_base = 75; % set temperature of the heating element/base
rho = 7860; % density
d = 0.003175; % diameter
c = 500; % specific heat J/kg*Celcius
s = pi*d; % permimeter in meters
A = pi*d^2/4; % cross sectional area in meters squared
h = 132.918; % heating coefficient Guessed
k = 14; % thermal conductivity Guessed
L = 0.2032; % length of rod being used (to last thermcouple) in meters
alpha_guess = .04;
fun = @(y)((y(1)).*(1-exp(-y(2).*Time0)))-TCB
guess = [T_base,alpha_guess];
options.Algorithm = 'levenberg-marquardt';
y = lsqnonlin(fun, guess, [], [], options)
alpha = y(2);
T0 = y(1); %Tbase - Tamb
syms n
kappa = @(x,xt)x(2)/(rho*c);
v = @(x,xt)(x(1)*s)/(rho*A*c);
Bn = @(x,xt)((2*n-1)*pi*sqrt(kappa(x,xt)))/(2*L);
a = @(x,xt)((4*T0)/((2*n-1)*pi));
b = @(x,xt)(v(x,xt)/(v(x,xt)+(Bn(x,xt)^2)));
c = @(x,xt)(1-exp(-((Bn(x,xt)^2)+v(x,xt))*xt(:,2)));
d = @(x,xt)((v(x,xt)-alpha)/(v(x,xt)-alpha+(Bn(x,xt)^2)));
e = @(x,xt)(exp(-alpha*xt(:,2))-exp(-((Bn(x,xt)^2)+v(x,xt))*xt(:,2)));
f = @(x,xt)(sin((Bn(x,xt)*xt(:,1))/sqrt(kappa(x,xt))));
gx = @(x,xt)(a(x,xt)*(b(x,xt)*c(x,xt)-d(x,xt)*e(x,xt)).*f(x,xt));
fun1 = @(x,xt)(T0*(1-exp(-alpha*xt(:,2)))-symsum(gx(x,xt)));
guess1 = [h,k];
options.Algorithm = 'levenberg-marquardt';
Heat_transfer_coefficient = x(1)
Thermal_conductivity_coefficient = x(2)
Error using sym/symsum (line 81)
Error using maplemex
Error, (in factor) floating point coefficients are incompatible with field extension; use 'real' or 'complex' instead
Error in Frank>@(x,xt)(T0*(1-exp(-alpha*xt(:,2)))-symsum(gx(x,xt)))
Error in lsqcurvefit (line 213)
initVals.F = feval(funfcn_x_xdata{3},xCurrent,XDATA,varargin{:});
Error in Frank (line 70)
Caused by:
Failure in initial objective function evaluation. LSQCURVEFIT cannot continue.

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