File Exchange - two authors

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Artemio Soto Breceda
Artemio Soto Breceda on 8 Nov 2019
I would like my collaborator to be able to modify my File Exchange submission, i.e. to be able to update the code, make comments, change the screenshot, etc from their own MathWorks account. Can that be done?
John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 8 Nov 2019
Edited: John D'Errico on 8 Nov 2019
github is the only answer, if you want it to be accessible to both of you. The FEX does not offer party submissions.
If you want it to be on the FEX, then have the colleague forward any changes to you, and then you would post them. Not very clean, I know, but then we live in an imperfect world.
Anyway, I believe this has been discussed at one of our meetings, and GitHub was the answer suggested by the FEX team.
Artemio Soto Breceda
Artemio Soto Breceda on 11 Nov 2019
Thanks to both of you. I think the GitHub option is a really good approach for sharing code. I have sent a Feature Request nevertheless.

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