Is there a way to perfectly 'autoscale' the simulink scope axes while simulation is running?

33 views (last 30 days)
I've connected many scopes in my complex simulink block diagram and I want to view the full history of my signals while the simulation is running.
When I press the 'autoscale' button, it zooms around the current value of the signal, doesn't fit the whole signal history. However, when simulation is stopped, the button does the perfect job. I cann't wait for my lengthy simulation to complete before viewing full signal..

Answers (4)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 4 Oct 2012
In your scope properties, History : uncheck limit data point
Muhammad Ahmed
Muhammad Ahmed on 4 Oct 2012
I had already done this and it is something related to horizontal time span. I was curious about both horizontal and vertical autoscaling
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 4 Oct 2012
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 4 Oct 2012
  • for horizontal autoscaling just set time range to auto
  • for vertical autoscaling. right click on the axis of your scope and click autoscale

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Muhammad Ahmed
Muhammad Ahmed on 4 Oct 2012
I have partially solved this problem by right-clicking the scope's plot area and manually specifying the Axes Properties. Obviously, it's not as good as autoscale could have been

Adil Murtaza Zuberi
Adil Murtaza Zuberi on 23 Nov 2017
Autoscaling X or Y axis is not the issue. I think it is easily possible via Scope Properties. It would be interesting to know if someone can scale it via Script. So that dynamically during Simulation, one can scale it based on any variable value.

Adil Murtaza Zuberi
Adil Murtaza Zuberi on 4 Dec 2017
****SOLVED******* Here is my piece of code to scale each axis in Scope individually:
scopes = find_system(gcs,'blocktype','Scope');
shh = get(0,'ShowHiddenHandles');
for i = 1:length(scopes)
set_param (scopes{i},'open','on');
AxesInScope = findall(gcf,'type','axes');
if strcmp(scopes(i),'Model and specific scope name')
for y=1:length(AxesInScope) % Individually access each Axis of Scope
if y==1 % Accessing axis y of Scope i
ylim([-10 10]) % Scaling Y-Axis from -10 to 10
% Can also be used as variable of input signal in command ylim
elseif y==2
lim_Right=max(N2_Right); % N2_Left and N2_Right should be some signals in Workspace
ylim([-0.5 lim])
elseif y==3


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