How can I get the variant names inside a Simulink variant subsystem

15 views (last 30 days)
I have a simple variant subsystem in my Simulink model, where I want to get the names of the subsystems inside. In addition it would be nice to read out the Variant control expression, which is assigned to each subsystem as well.
The subsystem is simple in the sense that it only uses a workspace variable to control the active block. I do not use any variant object, nor do I use the variant manager.

Accepted Answer

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 14 Sep 2020
If you run find_system(), set the 'Variants' option (use 'AllVariants'). For subsystem inside the variant subsystem, the property is "VariantControl"
Albert Schwinn
Albert Schwinn on 15 Sep 2020
thanks for the answer. The find_system(), with the option 'AllVariants' is not what I want, because it returns all blocks inside the variants. I solved it now that way:
f = Simulink.FindOptions('SearchDepth',1);
for jj=1:length(blocksFullName)
VariantCtrl{jj}=get_param(blocksFullName{jj},'VariantControl'); %#ok<*AGROW>
modelName is the name of the variant subsystem block, where I want to know the names of the subsystems (possible variants) inside.
Maybe not the most elegant way with the for loop, but it works.
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 15 Sep 2020
Edited: Fangjun Jiang on 15 Sep 2020
It is the same as find_system(VariantBlock,'SearchDepth',1,'Variants','AllVariants','BlockType','Subsystem') or

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