design an FIR filter to remove this interferences from an ECG .dat file

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The Problem An ECG signal (this will be available from a standard database) sampled at 250 Hz for a period of 8 seconds (length 2000 samples)has been corrupted with a white Gaussian noise, a sinusoidal powerline interference of 50 Hz, respiratory signal of 0.3 Hz. Using MATLAB, design an FIR filter to remove this interferences. What does the filtered ECG signal look like? Plot the ECG Signal before and after filtering, the frequency response of the designed filter and the ECG spectrum before and after filtering. Procedure 1- Generate a uniform noise z[n] using MATLAB and the function “rand” for length 2000 samples Plot the generated signal, its amplitude spectrum and frequency distribution. 2- Generate a sine wave x1[n] = A1 sin 2π f1 n where A1 is an arbitrary magnitude and f = 50 Hz, and n= 0, 1, …, 2000 Plot the generated signal and its amplitude spectrum using the FFT 3- Generate another sine wave x2[n] = A2 sin 2π f2 n where A2 is an arbitrary magnitude and f2 = 0.3 Hz, and n= 0, 1, …, 2000 Plot the generated signal and its amplitude spectrum using the FFT.
5- Adjust the parameter A1 and A2 and the magnitude of random noise z[n] so that the signalto-noise- ratio (SNR) is 5 SNR =signal power/noise power 6- Add the 3 types of noise to the ECG signal to obtain the composite signal= ECG + x1 + x2 + z Plot thecomposite signal and its amplitude spectrum using the FFT 7- Design the FIR filter to get rid of the 0.3 Hz, 50 Hz, and random noise and having stopband attenuation of at least 50 dB
don't know how to do it ??
Wayne King
Wayne King on 14 Apr 2013
This is just posting a homework/test problem and asking us to give you the answer. Can you please show what you have tried and where you are getting stuck. Be as specific as possible.
sam on 15 Apr 2013
If i know anything i wouldn't be asking my uni sucks and my doctor doesnt help and we didnt even take matlab for crying out loud

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