Add titles over rows in subplots

230 views (last 30 days)
yonatan s
yonatan s on 4 Feb 2021
Edited: Adam Danz on 24 Apr 2023
I have a figure with 8 subplots, arranged in two rows. I need to generate an automated code adding a centered title above each row, but fail to do so.
A sample code to illustrate the configuration (I also have annotations):
m = 2;
n = 4;
p = 1;
for i = 1:m*n
s(i) = subplot(m,n,p);
ant(i) = annotation('textbox',s(i).Position,'String',[num2str(i)+")"],...
'linestyle', 'none','Fontsize',14,'FontWeight','bold');
p = p + 1;
I want to place the titles without explictly give coordinates, i.e. something like titlehandle.position=[1 2 3 4] is not good, because I sometime use different computers/monitors/OS and the output is not consistent.

Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 4 Feb 2021
Edited: Adam Danz on 24 Apr 2023
Create one centered title per row of subplots
Three methods are included
  • Subplot with an odd number of columns
  • Subplot with an even number of columns
  • Tiledlayout (most robust) Preferred method
Subplot with an odd number of columns
Add the title to the middle subplot
subplotLayout = [3,3];
ax = gobjects(fliplr(subplotLayout));
for i = 1:prod(subplotLayout)
ax(i) = subplot(subplotLayout(1),subplotLayout(2),i);
ax = ax'; % now axis handles are same shape as subplot layout
% list all titles in order (top to bottom)
titles = {'Row 1 title', 'Row 2 title', 'Row 3 title'};
% Get handles to center subplots
centerSubHandles = ax(:,ceil(subplotLayout(2)/2));
for i = 1:numel(centerSubHandles)
% get center subplot handle
title(centerSubHandles(i), titles{i})
Subplot with an even number of columns
Compute the upper position of each row of subplots in normalized units and the center position across the first row of subplots (assuming the center position is the same for all rows of subplots). Then use annotation to set the title position.
subplotLayout = [3,4];
ax = gobjects(fliplr(subplotLayout));
for i = 1:prod(subplotLayout)
ax(i) = subplot(subplotLayout(1),subplotLayout(2),i);
set(ax,'Units','Normalize') % this is typically the default
ax = ax'; % now axis handles are same shape as subplot layout
% Reduce vertical space of axes just a bit to make room for "titles"
axPos = cell2mat(get(ax, 'Position'));
axPos(:,4) = axPos(:,4).*.96; % reduces vert space to 96% of height
set(ax, {'Position'}, mat2cell(axPos, ones(numel(ax),1), 4))
% Get upper position of each row of axes, normalized coordinates
axPos = cell2mat(get(ax(:,1), 'Position'));
axUpperPos = sum(axPos(:,[2,4]),2); %upper pos.
% Get center position for 1st row (assumes all rows have same center)
axPos = cell2mat(get(ax(1,[1,end]),'Position'));
axCenterPos = mean([axPos(1,1), sum(axPos(2,[1,3]))]);
% list all titles in order (top to bottom)
titles = {'Row 1 title', 'Row 2 title', 'Row 3 title'};
% Set annotation for each row of subplots
titleHandles = gobjects(numel(titles),1);
for i = 1:numel(titles)
titleHandles = annotation('textbox','String',titles{i}, ...
'Position', [axCenterPos, axUpperPos(i), 0, 0], ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'center','VerticalAlignment','bottom',...
'LineStyle','none','FitBoxToText','on', ...
'FontWeight',ax(1).Title.FontWeight, ... % matches title property
'FontSize', ax(1).Title.FontSize, ... % matches title property
'FontName', ax(1).Title.FontName, ... % matches title property
'Color', ax(1).Title.Color); % matches title property
Tiledlayout (most robust, preferred method)
Added 24-April-2023
tiledlayout creates a TiledChartLayout object which can contain an array of axes, similar to subplot. But TiledChartLayout objects can also host a global title centered above the array of subplots.
Nest a TiledChartLayout for each row of axes and then assign a title to each row. This way you're actually using a title object rather than text.
axgrid = [3,4]; % [#rows, #cols]
titles = {'Row 1 title', 'Row 2 title', 'Row 3 title'};
tclMain = tiledlayout(axgrid(1),1);
tcl = gobjects(1,axgrid(1));
ax = gobjects(axgrid);
for j = 1:numel(tcl)
tcl(j) = tiledlayout(tclMain,1,axgrid(2));
tcl(j).Layout.Tile = j;
for i = 1:axgrid(2)
ax(j,i) = nexttile(tcl(j));
Edward Meixner
Edward Meixner on 2 Feb 2023
I'm not familiar with how this portion works:
'FontSize', ax(1).Title.FontSize, ... % matches title property
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 2 Feb 2023
The titles that go above each row of subplots are created by an annotation object. The annotation object has a fontsize property. I'm setting the value of the annotation fontsize to the same value of the axes title fontsizes.
To explore, ax(1).Title.FontSize returns a scalar value.

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