Real time plot arduino in app designer
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Hello, I was wondering if anyone would know how you can get that given an arduino that for example had to an analog input (A0) a potentiometer and a led on another pin of the same could on the one hand continuously represent the data coming from the analog channel and at the same time that through a series of buttons could alter the state of the led without the graphical representation stopped.
Thank you very much for everything.
1 Comment
Mario Malic
on 6 Feb 2021
See this for the part of the answer about plotting.
For the Arduino part, you'll have to look in documentation and other questions.
Answers (1)
Asvin Kumar
on 10 Feb 2021
I'm not entirely clear as to your end goal but my understanding is that you're trying to read and write some signals to and from an arduino. If that's the case, here are a couple of links from the docs to get you started:
Resource for Arduino - Setup, configuration, reading, writing and interacting with several types of other devices
Here's a link to several examples on working with Arduinos: Arduino Examples. These range from blinking an LED, controlling servo motors all the way to deploying Arduino code, CAN network interfacing and Wireless Data Streaming.
Mario's comment for the App Designer side of things also looks helpful.
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