String operations on dynamic dataset
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Hi everyone,
Number of machines activated and hence the duration timestamp, varies each day so the dataset dimention is dynamic.
I am trying to extract the dataset for each machine. Cant get my extractBetwen () to work.
w=[ "Mac_A"
"1 9:53.3"
"2 9:23.5"
"3 2:16.2"
"4 2:45.6"
"5 12:01.2"
"1 23:56.5"
"2 28:12.6"
"3 15:34.1"
"4 19:23.0"
"5 1:38.4"
"1 11:35.6"]
% ..
% many more machines and thier datasets
l=length(w(strlength(w)==5)) % counts how many machines
for e=1: length(w)
start = w(strlength(w)==5)
stop = w(strlength(w)<8)
itsdata(data(l),:) = extractBetween(w,start,stop) % cant get this to work.
expected output is vectors which are the datasets of the machines.
["1 9:53.3,2 9:23.5,3 2:16.2,4 2:45.6,5 12:01.2"]
["1 23:56.5 , 2 28:12.6,3 15:34.1,4 19:23.0,5 1:38.4"]
["1 11:35.6"]
.. %more vectors
Accepted Answer
on 9 Feb 2021
Edited: Jan
on 11 Feb 2021
w=[ "Mac_A"
"1 9:53.3"
"2 9:23.5"
"3 2:16.2"
"4 2:45.6"
"5 12:01.2"
"1 23:56.5"
"2 28:12.6"
"3 15:34.1"
"4 19:23.0"
"1 11:35.6"];
Sep = [find(startsWith(w, 'Mac_')); numel(w) + 1];
n = numel(Sep) - 1;
itsdata = strings(n, 1);
for k = 1:n
itsdata(k) = [w{Sep(k)+1:Sep(k+1)-1}];
The command extractBetween() cuts out a piece of a string, not an array of strings between indices.
on 13 Feb 2021
w=[ "Mac_A"; "1 9:53.3"; "2 9:23.5"; "3 2:16.2"; ...
"4 2:45.6"; "5 12:01.2"; "Mac_B"; "1 23:56.5"; ...
"2 28:12.6"; "3 15:34.1"; "4 19:23.0"; "5 1:38.4"; ...
"Mac_C"; "1 11:35.6"];
Sep = [find(startsWith(w, 'Mac_')); numel(w) + 1]
n = numel(Sep) - 1;
itsdata = strings(n, 1);
for k = 1:n
itsdata(k) = join(w(Sep(k)+1:Sep(k+1)-1), ',');
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