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How to collect Y values in graph plot in MATLAB APP Designer other than indexing?
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I keep getting the error: "Array indices must be positive integers or logical values." whenever I try to run my code.
I have a plot of delta Tc (the change in temperature for the refrigerant) against its flow rate. The problem is I would like to be able to collect the specific delta Tc values just by changing the discrete knob for the flowrate. The option I have found so far was indexing, however it does not accept values that are not integers. Can someone help me?
function CalculateButtonPushed(app, event)
t = readtable("flowrates.xlsx","Sheet",1);
Hrate = str2num(app.HotFlowrateLminKnob.Value);
Hin = str2num(app.HotFluidTemperatureInCListBox.Value);
flowrateC = str2double(app.ColdFlowrateLminKnob_2.Value);
specific_heat = 4200;
if Hrate == 1 && Hin == 60
x = table2array(t(:,"Fc1Lm60H"));
y = table2array(t(:,"delta_Tc1"));
delta_TC = y(flowrateC);
app.deltaTcEditField.Value = delta_TC;
heat_transferred = (flowrateC/60)*specific_heat*delta_TC;
app.HeattransferredJoulesEditField.Value = heat_transferred;
app.Lamp.Color = "g";
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